Sean Penn Supports WGA Strike, Calls AI Dispute ‘Human Obscenity’

Sean Penn has expressed his support for the Writer’s Guild of America strike.

The 62-year-old actor spoke at the Cannes Film Festival 2023 Friday at a press conference for his new movie, black flies.

“There are a lot of new concepts emerging, including the use of AI,” Sean said.

Keep reading to know more…“And this strikes me as some kind of human obscenity, for the producers to oppose that,” Sean said, according to Reuters.

The strike began on May 2, effectively halting television production and marking the first strike in more than 15 years.

“The first thing we need to do in these talks is change the Producers Union and title them based on their behavior, which is the Bankers Union,” Sean said. “It’s hard for so many writers and so many people in the industry not to be able to work right now. I suppose he will do an examination of conscience and see which side resists him.”

The Writers Guild of America seeks to restrict the use of artificial intelligence.

Here are all the TV shows that have been shut down and three that have just gone through with enough episodes to continue production thus far.

Categories: Biography

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