Rick & Morty: 9 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Morty

rick and the dead Season six is ​​in full swing, with new, completely insane episodes airing weekly since September and continuing into November. As Adult Swim continues to ramp up the show’s hype with ridiculous trailers and commercials taken entirely out of context, many viewers are beginning to ponder some of the show’s characters.

As a main character, Morty has gone through some of the biggest changes and biggest arcs in the seasons that have aired to date. But deep down, he will always be a teenage boy who is constantly thrown into impossible situations that are beyond his reach.

Most of Rick’s Morty and Most of Rick’s Morty

The idea of ​​”Rickest Rick” and “Mortyest Morty” is a concept developed by Rick himself very early in the series, claiming that a single version of himself is more likely to become “himself” than any other dimensional version, and therefore Morty as well. Applying this concept, the Twitter user claims in this meme that the existence of Rickest Rick and Mortyest Morty implies the existence of both “Rickest Morty” and “Rick Mortyest”.

The alignment chart meme is designed to show extreme categories, while everything else probably fits somewhere in the guide. So while this meme may be as old as the third, recent developments and newly introduced Ricks and Morty can certainly fit this chart in their respective spaces. Taken as a whole, however, it’s almost certain that after Prime Rick’s actual introduction, Morty C-137, our Morty, is undoubtedly the most important Morty of all.

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The brain won’t let go

It was certain that Morty would not fall asleep immediately after days to months of adventure Rick requested. While Rick has been known to erase some of the most traumatic moments from Morty’s mind, that’s by no means not enough to keep him from getting a good night’s sleep.

Another very relatable meme that helps people survive with memories that range from excitement to trauma to shame and cringe. Whatever it is, this meme uses a soon-to-be-classic meme format to tell a joke that’s sure to fit Morty as well.


Over the past two seasons, Morty has shown no longer caring about his place in the world and the things that will affect him. While this meme is primarily aimed at people suffering from similar pain, Morty is always stuck and the hard times keep coming.

Rick’s insensitivity to the world with all his chaos may just be the frosting on a cake that has gone bad, but from repeatedly burying his own body to the “Acid Bucket” episode, Morty has definitely seen more than your average 14-year-old boy.

Morty will do anything to avoid emotional discussions

While Rick is never the one to say everything at the start of a show, he is known for trying to assuage Morty’s anxiety about these ridiculous behaviors by talking to him about them, both drunk and sober, in later seasons. Occasionally, however, Morty’s common sense comes into play.

The idea of ​​Morty sprinting in the other direction when Rick is trying to explain himself is both amusing and very accurate, based on Morty’s already well-developed backbone in recent episodes and his constant desire to stay away from what’s happening to Rick. That said, neither of them are good at talking about “emotions”, so it’s safe to say that they both run away when the word comes up.

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Morty against the existential crisis

see a lot rick and the dead It’s not surprising that there are so many related memes that seem to address the declining mental health of each character on the show.

The meme deals with the depressive symptoms that isolation can cause, essentially triggering thoughts of productivity and existential fear — another of Morty’s apparently constant internal monologues, one that was certainly passed down from his grandfather’s point of view.

Difficulty can add up quickly

This popular meme format is great for conveying a variety of mental states, but the general consensus seems to be that mental breakdown is at the heart of depression. rick and the deadthat’s what the fan base focuses on in their memes.

The smallest misfortune of someone’s day is enough to bring them down, it’s a very Morty emotion indeed and the concept is conveyed perfectly through this meme. It’s understandable, after all that Morty has been through, the little things can quickly add up.

It’s important to enjoy the little things

Another official account gem, all three memes in this series use the card “#MotivationMonday” As an ironic tool to instill the classics rick and the dead Instill an existential fear in the viewer. The first of the three memes is a Morty quote that basically sums up “Nothing in the world matters, get over it and live your life.”

This line is meant to help Summer get over the fact that Rick has dumped them on multiple occasions, and that Morty isn’t technically her real brother, but it seems to be something Morty lived through after the initial shock of burying himself, so to say it seems to provide some insight into who he is would be an understatement.

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starting from the bottom

rick and the deadorigin is very loose back to the future The parody sketch is a long-forgotten concept, as the show largely plays out its own absurd, wildly rational, and completely original life. However, as is the case with any show, it’s still amazing to see the early sketches of the show and compare it to reality.

Morty’s character has been developed a lot, both in appearance and personality. While the creators have stuck with the episodic nature of avoiding arcs and consistent development for a long time, it’s impossible to resist the changes Morty has gone through since a few previous iterations, and it’s encouraging to see how far the show as a whole has come.

Morty can’t live a normal life

Since the show has changed so much since the first season, so have the characters. Morty’s old desire to go to school and live a “normal” life seems to have long since been abandoned. However, that doesn’t mean it took Rick long to get him into it.

This Tumblr meme chronicles Morty’s initial reluctance to join Rick’s adventures. While audiences now have a little more idea why Rick is so eager to get Morty’s attention and put him in what he considers “funny,” that doesn’t make the initial interaction any less funny.

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