Prey: The 10 Ugliest Aliens In Movie History, Ranked

prey Head to Hulu and bring the Predator back to the prequel world. Even though this happened in the 1700s, the Predator is as dangerous and advanced as ever as it hunts humans as a sport once again. One more thing that never changes about this killer monster is that when the helmet falls off, it is one of the ugliest aliens in cinematic history.

Third, many ugly aliens come from outer space, usually the uglier they look, the scarier they are. However, there are other aliens that may not be as scary, but are still ugly enough to make people think twice before confronting them head-on.

aliens in their lives

In 1988, John Carpenter directed one of the most beloved classics in the history of science fiction cinema. they live Starring professional wrestling icon Rowdy Roddy Piper, the plot reveals that aliens have invaded Earth and assimilated themselves by posing as humans.

The only way to see the real alien identity in humans is to wear special sunglasses. When Nada got the glasses and saw them, he was startled. With their large bulging red eyes and blue face, Nada nicknamed them “formaldehyde face”.

Shrimp Zone 9

Shrimp Zone 9

Sci-fi movie 2009 District 9 The story of the aliens is interesting because the shrimp that live on Earth have come here as refuge. When their spacecraft showed up in 1982, they got there with over a million malnourished aliens on board.

Earth agrees to help them, but their ugly appearance means that most humans won’t accept them, forcing them to live in an internment camp, known as Area 9. The hatred of Shrimp is based on their looks is a big part of what social commentary director Neill Blomkamp intends to explore in his film.

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ET and Elliot from ET.

Not all of the ugly aliens in the movies are horror creatures and some aren’t even bad guys. District 9 They’re not evil, but people still discriminate against them based on their looks. everything is equally bad alien When an alien scientist is stranded on Earth, scientists want to capture him and experiment on him.

ET is not a bad alien at all, but he is a very ugly one. He is intimidating with his long neck, large probing eyes, upturned nose, and even his internal organs are glowing. When he turned white and turned into a fossil, it was a nightmare. No wonder Gerty screamed in horror when she saw him.


Venom attacks someone.

Over the years, there have been many aliens appearing in Marvel movies. Thanos is a giant purple and Ebony Maw is unusually pale and slim. Guardians of the Galaxy There are aliens of all shapes and sizes, many of them intimidating in appearance. But few aliens are as ugly as Venom.

The venom is terrifying in every possible way. He’s big, towering in the sky, and has a creepy vibe. However, his face said it all, with his wicked eyes, mouth full of sharp teeth and long red tongue that made Gene Simmons jealous.

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow

in king stephen It, the monster that kills children is an alien, as its origins in director Andrés Muskietty’s two-part film suggest. In those Bill Skarsgård movies, Pennywise the Dancing Clown is scarier than the classic Tim Curry version.

However, things took a turn for the worse as the second film progressed. When the adults of the Losers’ Club hunt him down, he turns into a nightmare, and when they finally defeat him, he transforms into a terrifying little creature that gives viewers nightmares. .

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mistakes in men in black

man in black edgar the bug

Firstly Man in black The movies have given fans a lot of different aliens. Some interesting, like the little insect critters in the break room. Others are annoying, like a talking pug. However, there is an ugly and disturbing bug.

Bug is Vincent D’Onofrio’s antagonist in the film. He doesn’t act or speak like a human, so his every movement is clumsy and misguided. Only, his face didn’t know what to do with it, drooping and contorting, disturbing him in the weirdest way possible.

Aliens control the Grant Grant

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Before James Gunn joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he made fun little movies and one of his best works was horror movies. slideThe film stars Nathan Fillion as a small-town sheriff who realizes his town is infested with an alien parasite that threatens to eat everyone there.

This movie has a lot of credits Predators invade the body, but brings the idea of ​​aliens taking over the body to a grotesque level. Michael Rooker plays a man infected with parasites, and in the end, he’s a giant, mutilated human with things growing out of him and oozing out of him. Scary even after he explodes.


Xenomorphs and Earth.

In 1979, Ridley Scott showed how scary sci-fi thrillers can be when he released the film alien. The film takes place in the future and considers space travel as a normal phenomenon. When a commercial space tug encounters an abandoned ship, they investigate and discover a house of horrors.

There is an alien on board called the Xenomorph, and it begins to kill all but one of the ship’s crew. This is an extremely ugly alien creature, designed by HR Giger, with a long skull and appendages with sharp teeth and slightly acidic saliva.

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face close-up carnivore

prey Reintroduce the world with Predator, and it does so in a way better than almost any other iteration since the original movie. These are high-tech intelligent aliens who enjoy hunting humans and other species for fun. However, when the mask is removed, its fierce appearance is often shocking.

Yautja from carnivores The mouth in the movie looks contorted, the teeth are scattered, and the eyes are sunken yellow. The original film even made jokes when Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Dutchman commented that the alien was “an ugly mother”.

transform in things

The Thing in spider form from the 1982 remake

The ugliest alien in the movie appeared in John Carpenter’s horror remake, problemThe film takes place in a research laboratory in Antarctica, where an alien parasite invades the base and begins to wreak havoc. The creature can mimic anyone’s appearance, so the base members don’t know if any of them are who they claim to be. To be

However, the alien creature’s greatest weakness is fire, and when protagonist MacReady finds his place, he sees the creature as a nightmare. Rob Bottin worked with creature effects and created an ugly alien that is probably the most disgusting alien ever seen on film.

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