President Joe Biden Announces Re-Election Campaign, Is Officially Running for President in 2024

President Joe Biden has made it official: he’s running for President again in 2024 and just announced his re-election campaign on social media.

“When I ran for president four years ago, I said we are in a battle for the soul of America. And we still are,” the 80-year-old politician said in a three-minute long video announcing his campaign. “The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom; more rights or fewer. I know what I want the answer to be and I think you do too. This is not a time to be complacent. That’s why I’m running for reelection — because I know America. I know we’re good and decent people. I know we’re still a country that believes in honesty, respect, and treating each other with dignity. We’re a nation where we give hate no safe harbor. We believe that everyone is equal, that everyone should be given a fair shot to succeed in this country.”

Keep reading to watch…

If President Biden were to win again in 2024, he’d be a record breaking 86 years old at the end of his Presidency.

Check out the announcement below…

Every generation has a moment where they have had to stand up for democracy. To stand up for their fundamental freedoms. I believe this is ours.

That’s why I’m running for reelection as President of the United States. Join us. Let’s finish the job.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) April 25, 2023

Categories: Biography

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