Pinky Lalwani – Updated May 2023

Birth and education data

Pinky Lalwani was born in the year 1979 In India. However, Pinky’s exact date of birth and exact place of birth are not available till now. She is of Indian nationality and belongs to a Sindhi family and is 43 years from 2021.

The name and information about Pinky’s parents are not available as of now. Similarly, information related to Lalwani’s siblings, cousins, grandparents and any other family members is also unknown till now. To date, very limited information is available about her relative, her personal life, and her family life. Pinky seems to like her and wants to keep her personal and family life private and out of the media and public spotlight as much as possible.

Regarding Pinky’s educational background and qualifications, the name of the educational institutions she attended is unknown. However, considering her age, Lalwani must have graduated from both high school and university, unless she drops out or decides to drop out.

Caption: Pinky Lalwani with Vijay and other friends (Source: India TV News)

Career and professional life

Pinky Lalwani was with Vijay Mallya for the first time when he took Jet Airways flight 9W122 to London on March 2, 2016. It was the time when he escaped from India to the UK. She was accompanying Vijay and was reported by the media as a mystery woman at the time. And the media did not take long to locate the photos of her with her boyfriend and her relatives in 2011.

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This was the moment they met. Vijay Mallya reportedly owned the now-defunct Kingfisher Airlines at the time and offered Pinky a job as a flight attendant for the company. Pinky Lalwani was very attached to her mother and took good care of her. Also, there is a rumor that Pinky and Viajy are already secretly married, or are at least contemplating getting married. Since their first meeting, she has been with Vijay and supported him through the bankruptcy scandal. Pinky supported him through the difficult times he has been through since he escaped to the UK from India.

Likewise, he was even present in the public gallery in his extradition case at Westminster Magistrates Court in London. Furthermore, Lalwani was able to get instant media attention after tabloids caught her and Mallya celebrating her third anniversary in mid-March 2018.

pinky lalwani

Caption: Pinky Lalwani and Vijay Mallya (Source: Deccan Herald)

Pinky Lalwani – Marital Status

Pinky Lalwani is in a relationship with Vijay Mallya. They met when she took a job as a flight attendant for Kingfisher Airlines in 2011. They began dating in the following years and have reportedly been in a relationship ever since. Likewise, Pinky and Vijay were together at various public events, and she also continues to accompany Mallya’s mother as well as the other members of her family, especially her only son Siddharth.

After Vijay Mallya was indicted in a fraud and money laundering case and left the country on March 2, 2016, Pinky Lalwani was with him like many other members of his family. And it is that, in March 2018, they celebrated their third relationship anniversary and there was news that they would soon get married. However, they never confirmed the rumors and news officially.

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Pinky Lalwani will be Vijay Mallya’s third wife if they get married. Just like in the year 1986, Vijay got married to Sameera Tyabjee and Rekha Mallya in 1993. Also, Sameera Tyabjee was also a flight attendant for Air India and they have a son together whose name is Siddharth Mallya. Vijay has two daughters named Leanna and Tanya with his second wife Rekha.

Also, Pinky Lalwani currently lives together with Vijay Mallya in his mansion in Hertfordshire. And her boyfriend, arrested by Scotland Yard with an extradition warrant in April 2017, but currently out on bail.

pinky lalwani

Caption: Pinky Lalwani with Vijay Mallya (Source: Indiatimes)

Pinky Lalwani – Body Measurements

Pinky Lalwani is 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs 60 kg. Focusing on Lalwani’s other body measurements like her chest size, waist size and hip size, her sizes are 32-26-36 inches respectively. Also, she Pinky has black hair and dark brown eyes.

Pinky Lalwani – Social Media

Pinky Lalwani is not active on any social media platform and does not own any social media account. Lalwani might have wanted to live a normal and peaceful life. And stay away from the social world and social life.

Net Worth 2023

According to the character, Pinky Lalwani has a net worth of $22 million, but her sources of income are unknown as of now.

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