Picard Season 3 Borrows Abrams’ Star Trek Captain Trick (& It Works)

Season 3 of “Star Trek: Picard” features Will Rick once again as Captain of Titan, reminiscent of JJ Abrams’ “Star Trek” musical “The Captain’s Chair”.

Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3 is based on the unusual 2009 trick of captain JJ Abrams interstellar travel movie, it worked. Interstellar Travel: Picard Part 3 aims to be Star Trek: The Next Generation movies never seen Interstellar Travel: The Enemy, although up to 10 hours. Along with an expansive cinematic range and character-filled action story, Picard Part 3 contains many omens about the past interstellar travel The movie, and the unusual way William T. Riker (Jonathan Frakes) becomes captain of the USS Titan-A in episode 3, “Seventeen Seconds,” is pure JJ Abrams.

exist interstellar travel An alternate Kelvin reality in 2009, Starship Enterprise ended with three captains over the course of two hours of operation. The business is commanded by Captain Christopher Pike (Bruce Greenwood), but when Pike is forced to board Nero’s Romulan spaceship (Eric Bana), he appoints his first mate, Spock (Zachary Quinto). be Captain. James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) has finally taken over as captain and led the Enterprise that defeated the timeless Romans. The reward for saving Kirk’s planet is being the permanent captain of the Enterprise. Interstellar Travel: Discover Played his own musical captain chair game in seasons 1 and 2, until Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) became captain of the USS Discovery at the end of season 3.

Picard season 3 borrowed a trick from JJ Abrams’ Star Trek captain (and it worked)

Piccadrik Bridge Season 3

exist Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3, episode 3, “Seventeen Seconds”, Captain Liam Shaw (Todd Stashwick) of the USS Titan-A in battle with Captain Vadich (Amanda Pullew) Amanda Plummer) and Shrike, her terrible armed spaceship, Shrike. Before arriving at the infirmary, Shaw passed on the Titan’s code to Riker, the captain of the old spaceship. It’s an abrupt and startling change, reminiscent of the chaos on the bridge of JJ Abrams’ Starship Enterprise. But removing Shaw from the order also solved it neatly Interstellar Travel: Picard In part 3, the “too many captains” dilemma between Shaw, Lake and Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart).

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Picard and Lake boldly board the Titan to Shanghai to rescue Dr. Beverly Crews (Gates McFadden). But Will and Jean-Luc soon find themselves at odds over how best to handle Vadic and Shrike. While Picard and Riker didn’t fight like the young Kirk and Spock in Abrams, at the time Interstellar Travel: Picard In Season 3 Episode 3, Will removes Picard from the bridge after the Admiral insists on firing a torpedo at Shrike which backfires and disables Titan using Vadic’s portal weapon. interstellar travel In 2009, the act of cruelty exacerbated Picard and Riker’s dire plight.

What happened to Captain Shaw in Star Trek: Picard Season 3?

Lake Picard

Interstellar Travel: Picard Viewers have debated the fate of Captain Liam Shaw since his controversial debut in the season 3 premiere, with many believing Shaw would not survive season 3. Shaw’s detractors could get their wish, as Liam is bleeding internally from injury and is having a bad time in the season. infirmary. But the fact that Shaw survived a near-death experience suggests he may have been Picard Let’s keep season 3 after all. Despite that, Shaw returns the Titan to Riker, who seems to still be in the captain’s chair, especially after he throws Admiral Picard off the bridge.

However, Captain Shaw might actually stay for the rest of the Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3 After all, his backstory and why he was hostile to Picard and Riker, as well as Shaw’s uncanny hostility to his first mate, the Seven of Nine Commanders ( Jerry Ryan), remains undisclosed. Meanwhile, despite their defeat at the hands of Vadic Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3, Episode 3, Captain Riker commanding Titan feels right… at the moment. But it’s unknown whether the JJ Abrams-inspired “Captain’s Chair” musical will be replayed to restore Shaw as Captain of the Titans.

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Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3 airs every Thursday on Paramount+.

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