Narcos: 10 Of The Funniest “Bored Escobar” Memes

The Narcos franchise has finally come to an end, with the release of season 3 of Narcos: Mexico, but memes about the first main character of the original series will live on forever. Drug kingpin Pablo Escobar (Wagner Moura), who was the focus of the first two seasons of the Colombian saga, still remains popular today.

Most Escobar memes show the character sitting or standing while looking bored. On the show, this happens when the DEA, Search Bloc, and military conduct a massive manhunt for him, making him unable to conduct business. Consequently, his empire begins to crumble. Fans then began to use the pictures to refer to their own sad or boring moments.

Waiting For Deliveries Can Be Tiresome


Most retail companies give their customers a time frame within which their package will arrive. Nevertheless, this doesn’t make the waiting process any easier.

Eagerness is part of human nature and even when one knows that there’s still plenty of time left before a package arrives, most are hardly be patient. The wait can be even more excruciating when the package contains something that is highly anticipated, like one of the best PS5 games of 2021.

The Choice Of Topic Matters

Escobar meme showing how one can get bored in a prty when they bring up niche topics


People try to come up with all types of topics to keep the conversation going during social gatherings. Still, there are topics that are too niche to sustain a fun dialogue.

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With topics like sports and pop culture, any party-goer is guaranteed to have someone willing to chat. But as for horses, only a few people interact with them on a regular basis. Bringing up discussions about stables and hay is a sure way to make people look for someone else to socialize with.

Regretting Career Choices

Meme showing a bored Escobar regretting his career choice


When Escobar’s empire starts falling apart, it’s easy to pity him. But then a realization soon hits that he deserves it. After all, there are many legitimate careers he could have chosen. Things would have been much different if he was a plumber or gardener.

Escobar would indeed be an old man today if he had made a different career choice. But on the show, he is portrayed as a very ambitious person from early in his life. It’s highly unlikely that he could have been okay with a blue-collar job for the rest of his life. Still, this meme not only triggers laughter but serves as a reminder that choices have consequences.

The Problem With Leaked Episodes

"Bored Escobar" meme showing the disadvantage of watching leaked epispdes

Source: knowyourmeme.come

There are rare moments a popular TV episode leaks before it’s supposed to air. Rushing to watch these episodes might seem like a good idea but it’s actually not.

Whenever fans watch leaked episodes early, they are forced to wait much longer for the next one. It’s better to ignore the leaks and watch the episode when it actually airs. A little patience goes a long way!

When You Care A Lot About Picture Quality

A "bored Escobar" meme referring to the lack of appreciation for HD mem creators

Source: Redditor – memer

Not every meme on the internet is of the highest quality. Such is the case if the meme in question is a bit old or made by someone who isn’t versed in photo editing

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Whether the meme is about some of the best TV shows of all time or about everyday occurrences, most meme lovers tend to care more about the humor and the message more than the image quality. So long as the picture is visible, the resolution doesn’t usually matter much. For this reason, recreating a meme by improving the picture quality might go unappreciated by most fans.

When You Have No Date On Valentine

A "Bored Escobar" meme showing how singles get bored on Valentine's Day


Best friends normally hang out together most of the time. However, there comes a time when some people need to be there for those that are closer to their hearts, like a significant other or partner, and Valentine’s Day is one such occasion.

The importance of love has been emphasized many times through some of TV’s best-ever couples. Nevertheless, not everyone is in a relationship, so when Valentine’s Day finds you with no partner, the holiday can be hard for some people. Being single is also great, but for Escobar, being solo means sitting around all day.

When You Work Too Much

Escobar meme showing how hard life is without hobbies


Working extra hard has its advantages since it sometimes means more money. Conversely, it can lead to a lack of social life. Leave days and holidays are a great time to relax but they can be hell if there’s nothing much to do.

While it’s impossible to completely lack something fun to do, scheduling a variety of activities that cover the entire free time can be difficult when work is all that a person is used do.

After Binge-Watching Narcos

"Bored Escobar" meme showing how difficult it can be to adjust to life after a TV show


Collectively, there are 60 episodes of Narcos to date, and binging them all can be a great way for TV show lovers to pass time. But once the episodes are over, life can get complicated.

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There are many other great TV shows about the drug trade to binge, but a Narcos fan is likely to have binged those too. Fans who specifically love this genre might have a hard time finding something else that matches the tale of the gun-toting Colombian and Mexican drug cartels.

When Your Girlfriend Isn’t Communicating In A Timely Manner

Escobar meme showing the communication struggles in relationships


Communication is what keeps a relationship alive. For that reason, it’s normal for people to expect their partners to not stay too long without contacting them.

In most cases, failure to call or text leads to insecurity. People can’t help but wonder what their partners are doing. In other instances, it leads to worry and frantic actions, with the assumption that something bad might have happened. However, there is usually nothing ever wrong.

Having Lunch Alone Can Be Boring

Meme showing how boring it is to have lunch alone a t work


Working with the right kind of people can be great. For most people who work in an office, there is that one coworker that you can always go to lunch with. But when that colleague is sick, things become a bit boring.

Having lunch with your favorite colleague means getting a few minutes to unwind, come up with new ideas, or probably gossip about office issues. But when they’re home sick, you can only stand around and wait for someone else to invite you out.

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