Peaky Blinders: 10 Hidden Details About The Costumes You Didn’t Notice

bloody gangster is one of our favorite BBC shows, telling the story of a Birmingham gangster family in the early 1920s. Though we do love action, business and utter evil of the gang, but we love their costumes even more. While almost every season features new costume designers, each of them are outright killers. We thank Stephanie Collie, Lorna Marie Mugan, Alexandra Caulfield and Alison McCosh for their keen and intelligent eyes. So without further ado, here are 10 hidden details about famous shows’ costumes that you might never have noticed.

Tommy never wears colored clothes

While it’s normal for Shelby’s men to sport a monochrome aesthetic, you might see Arthur or John wearing a colored shirt or tie, you’re less likely to spot Tommy doing it. So. In fact, many people in this era wear some pretty bright colors, but the black and white definitely reflect Tommy’s dark personality. These dark and basic colors also pay homage to these people’s not-quite-upper, not-quite-lower status. Their fancy clothes are quite luxurious, but they don’t wear bright colors like the rich.

Their outfits are half business, half gangsta

While the Shelbys clearly dress more upper-class than most of the other citizens of Birmingham, you may not have noticed that they are also not fully integrated into traditional upper society. Shelby boys often wear heavier woolen suits with single cuffs and detachable collars. They were in between the upper class and the lower class, and it was more than just showing their commercial qualities and being different from the ordinary upper class. They’re choosing a middle ground, but they’re still doing it in style.

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worker tweed hat

Likewise, while Tommy is trying to be part of the upper class, Tommy is also trying to fit in with all citizens, especially the lower class, and be a trustworthy person. The tweed hat, known as the worker’s hat, once again shows their middle-class life in Birmingham. These guys are definitely not only white-collar but also a little blue-collar.

detachable collar

We’re not sure why, but the detachable collar style really makes these guys stand out. If you want to imitate the boy Shelby suit, you can’t just buy a plain old shirt from any store. These shirts are very rare and perfectly suited to their era and social class. These necklaces are what make them stand out from the rest of the UK and we have no doubt about it. In addition, they are very beautiful.

Tommy’s blend fabric

We all know and love Tommy’s infamous cape. His outerwear, usually of thick wool with a black velvet collar, was beautiful, but he also often wore them over tweed suits. You might not have noticed it before, but it’s a very odd combination of fabrics. However, it was also another sign of Shelby’s social status. Underground gangsters have no real class arrangement. This less traditional clothing choice is intentional and sets Tommy apart from his rich and poor. Tommy is on the right track, and he’s working hard.

Only Arthur wears a bow

This is another very minor detail, but Arthur is actually the only Shelby brother to wear a bow tie. During this time in the UK, the head of household may be the person wearing a bow tie. Of course, when we were first introduced to the Shelby brothers, this fact led us to believe that Arthur, also the eldest, would be the leader. At first, we didn’t know that little brother Tommy was actually the leader of the gang and their family. This misdirection is smart and historically correct. Fair play.

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Their pocket watches are gold, not silver

We’re all familiar with the famous pocket watch worn by all the men in the Shelby family, and there’s no way you’ll find Tommy without that gold chain in his pocket. You may not know that gold watches are a symbol of money and class. Also, cheaper watches are nickel plated and therefore silver. It’s another expression of the Shelby family’s effort to maintain the whole high-end business vibe.

Polly’s suit and scarf

Polly’s outfit is one of our favorites bloody gangster, she killed everything she wore. However, while most women of the era – and every other woman on the show – wore chic dresses, Polly wore a chic suit to a business meeting. Most of all, Polly loves her silk scarf. These two fashion items are giant symbols of luxury, money and class. If a woman wears a silk scarf or a suit, you know she is important. Honestly, if Polly were wearing these, we would never have pissed her off.

lace-up work boots

Working-class men often wore black or brown lace-up boots with thick soles and veils. Gentlemen – mainly the wealthy – will wear more elegant and stylish boots. Unless Tommy is at a posh business meeting, you’ll likely find all the Shelby boys wearing these workman boots. We mean, they usually do some of the heavy lifting, right?

all fur coats

Polly almost always wears fur coats and Ada is actually quite popular as well. If you look closely, the only woman who regularly wears these fur coats is May, a wealthy horse trainer. D.

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In England in the 1920s, fur coats were hard to come by and only the rich could wear them. If you also noticed, Polly and Ada usually only wear these coats when they are about to go on a business trip. While they’re also downright gorgeous, this clothing choice is certainly no accident and we love every bit of effort put into these star outfits.

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