NFL Quarterback Carson Wentz Faces Backlash Over Hunting & Killing Black Bear

Carson Wentz, who most recently played the 2022 NFL season with the Washington Commanders, is facing extreme backlash for his latest social media post about completing his “bucket list” item of hunting and killing a black bear for sport.

The 30-year-old NFL player wrote on his Instagram account, “Bucket list” with an emoji check mark, followed by, “Got the opportunity to spot and stalk black bear in one of our new favorite places on earth— Alaska! Incredible trip and an incredible animal! 🙌🏻.”

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We won’t be showing the photos here. Within minutes of Wentz posting these photos, he began receiving comments on the post reacting to his decision to kill a bear and show photographs of him posing with the deceased animal.

One person commented, “That’s horrible. That animal was a beautiful living thing, and you killed it for…what reason? And then you brag about it?,” while another wrote, “That’s just awful! I can’t believe you killed a bear for sport. Changed my whole perspective of you.”

Other commenters simply wrote “unfollow,” indicating they were unfollowing him on the app.

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Categories: Biography

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