New World: All Turkey Terror Boss Locations (Turkulon Event)

Aeternum has more than 20 breeding sites and is the second annual turkey terror new world. Players need to work together to obtain event drops by defeating the Feathered Death Avenger Turkulon. This year, Turkulon has a faster respawn time and a larger loot pool, and has the same respawn locations as last year’s event.

In spite of new worldThe number of active players may not be the same as it was during the first Terror of Turkey event last year, and the developers have continued to release patches and regular content updates since the first release in September 2021.

Where to find Turkulon in the New World

follow a new world The database map used to create the table below, the level 66 giant turkey boss can be found in all areas below level 36 except Weaver’s Fen. Turkulon will not appear in any late-game focus areas, including the recently released Brimstone Sands. It’s worth pointing out, however, that Turkulon spawning has nothing to do with the current day/night cycle.



machete key

Ruined coast calm coastal salt marsh salt foothills

King’s trick

RiverSeat Moonshade Pirates Rise


Elder BluffSelcol Millberry Hill

wind direction

Stoutmarch Glenville primrose

never give up

Emberwood Valle Tempus . Salt Cave

Light wood

Brass wolf branch

non-stop beach

Bubble Bay Town View Beach Shade Plain


Stormglade Wetland

new world Previously had issues with slow resource respawn and enemy competition in densely populated areas new world server. This year’s event has updated the cooldown, allowing players to shorten the wait if they want to stay in the same spot instead of going to another respawn point. Remember that each player or team, if fighting in a team, must deal a certain amount of damage to Turkulon in order for the game to consider that player part of the battle. If the player does not meet the damage requirement, they will not receive any drops. new world This mechanism is often used to prevent passersby from taking advantage of quickly robbing and killing other players to sell new worldtrading station.

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Since this year’s event has more loot, players may need to invest more time than last year to get all the drop items. Turkish Terror has been included new worldUpdate 1.7.2 will be available until December 6, 2022. This means that players can eat turkey dinner in real life, just as if they were inside new world.

Source: New World Database

  • new world

    Platform: PC

    Release time: September 28, 2021

    Developer: Amazon Games

    Publisher: Amazon Games

    Genre: MMORPG, Open World


    Playing time: 48 hours and 36 meters

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