Gilmore Girls: 7 Times Jess & Luke’s Relationship Was Better Than Rory & Lorelai’s (& Vice Versa)

Lorelai and Rory Gilmore’s relationship has been discussed and discussed since the series began in 2000. The two act more like best friends than mother and daughter, and they fight like sisters. However, after rebooting and watching the original series over and over again, it became clear that different gilmore girl Luke and Jess compete against Lorelai and Rory.

Lorelai and Jace didn’t always get along, but as Luke’s grandson, she learned to accept him. Luke and Jess’ time together in Stars Hollow was short but inspiring for both of them. You and I learn a lot from each other and stay in each other’s lives even when they don’t need to. Seeing the four together from time to time, fans wonder: Who is the better duo, Jess and Luke or Rory and Lorelai?

Updated by Lynn Gibbs on June 22, 2022: Lorelai and Rory Gilmore are the stars of Gilmore Girls. The comedy revolves around their mother-daughter relationship, but there are several supporting characters who are beloved characters in their own right. Luke Danes and Jess Mariano aren’t as close as Lorelai and Rory, but their relationship is as famous as the Gilmore girls. With each review, fans agree that there are similarities between the duo. Some have even said that Luke and Jesse’s relationship is more appealing than Lorelai and Rory’s.

The time Jess & Luke had a great relationship

from bad boy to good boy

It says a lot about what kind of person Luke is, and how he can transform Jesse from a wild child into a strong man. Luke has no kids, but he’s undeniably the best dad to the people in Stars Hollow – including Jess, when he comes to live with him.

Jesse didn’t live with Luke that long, but it’s clear that Luke played a big part in his life-changing process, and fans saw that in the reboot. Witnessing how Jesse gets to the point is testament to Luke’s impact on his life.

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Luke accepts Jace without asking a question

Jess and Luke hug before Jess leaves Gilmore Girls

Although Luke wasn’t on good terms with his sister at the time, when she called him for help with her rebellious teenage son, Luke intervened. Jesse’s father abandoned them when Jesse was young, leaving Jesse without a father figure.

Although Luke lives in a studio apartment above his restaurant, he takes Jesse in and does everything he can to make him comfortable. While Lorelai has never held that role, it’s hard to imagine Lorelai taking on the role of parent to any child other than Rory.

Strong guy Luke can’t help himself (and teaches Jace what he learns)

Jesse reads a Gilmore Girls book outside of Stars Hollow

Before the timeline of Luke and Lorelai’s relationship actually begins, Luke knows he has to work on his own before he can begin a relationship with someone like Lorelai. Despite his embarrassment, he bought a self-help book and tape and learned a lot about vulnerability and the trusting process.

When Luke felt well, he lent Jace the book, teaching him what he had learned. Jace acts like he doesn’t care about the whole ordeal, but secretly reads the book and begins a journey of self-reflection with Luke. Fans know Lorelai would never do this to Rory because she mocked Jess for reading self-help books after she found out he had read them. Of course, this annoyed Luke because he spent so much time breaking the stigma.

they set boundaries with each other

Split image of Luke and Jess fighting at home in Gilmore Girls

The biggest difference between Rory and Lorelai and Jess and Luke is that Luke and Jess set boundaries. He needs Jess to follow the right path, and the only way to do that is to set the rules and make sure Jess follows them. Although his actions are not always justified, Jesse is one of the most intelligent characters. He just needed a guide in the right direction.

Lorelai is more concerned with being Rory’s best friend than setting a curfew and setting house rules. by looking into their future year of lifeBoundaries seem to help Jess a lot.

Jesse has had a more productive adult life than Rory

Jesse Mariano (Milo Ventimiglia)

Regardless of the fans’ feelings gilmore girl restart, year of lifeOne thing was amazing: Rory wasn’t the prolific and successful young man she was told she was going to be in her life.

She is looking for a job, unprepared for adult life, has no place to live, and she is in a toxic relationship that focuses on secrecy. On the other hand, Jess seems to be living her own life. He’s a writer, probably still working in publishing, and a lot calmer than Rory. He even gives money to Rory if she needs it, proving he is financially secure. For fans of Jess and Rory, this is a great episode to watch again to see how different their futures have become.

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Resources for success, not money

Girl Jess Cars Gilmore

It’s hard to say what Rory’s future would look like without her grandparents working on far-reaching projects. Both Lorelai and Rory were saved through money and privilege. She won’t go to Chilton, and paying Yale will be difficult. She wouldn’t own a car or own a trust through her great-grandmother.

On the contrary, Jace must fight and pay the price for all he has. As a teenager, he worked more than 40 hours a week just to buy himself a car. He failed his high school exam, but he eventually turned his life around and landed a successful job in Philadelphia. He makes a living using the resources he has and his natural persistence. Luke gave him the tools to live a better life, and Jesse took notice.

They grow through love, not obligation

Luke and Jess outside talking about Gilmore Girls

One of the beautiful aspects of Jesse and Luke’s relationship is that they come together under forced circumstances but are still attached for love. Even though Jess has moved in from Stars Hollow, he continues to visit Luke and check on him.

Jace didn’t have to be in Luke’s life; Luke is not his father. But they stay in each other’s lives because they really care about each other and want to be. Jace even promised to do the right thing for Luke and return all the money Luke spent on him when he was a teenager. In the end, Jesse is the son Luke never had.

Last time Rory & Lorelai had a great relationship

Women are open to love and relationships

Max and Lorelai watch TV with Rory in Gilmore Girls

Rory and Lorelai’s love is an important part of their plot. At first, Rory was reluctant to share personal information with her mother, but she was quick to tell her mother the good, the bad, and the bad.

At times as difficult as it is, Lorelai appreciates honesty and wants to understand Rory’s relationship. Luke and Jess rarely talk about their love lives, and when they do, it’s often insulting.

They always trust and respect each other

Lorelai and Rory sit outside the town square in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life

As viewers, the trust and respect Lorelai and Rory have for each other is astounding. Rory went through tough times as a teenager, but she and Lorelai always understood each other through those tough times. As Rory’s mother, Lorelai knows she doesn’t always see her daughter, but wants Rory to make the right decision.

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Instead, Jace and Luke fight more than make up. Luke has a hard time trusting Jesse, just as Jesse has a hard time trusting Luke. Fans didn’t miss the similarities between Luke and Jace and Lorelai and Rory.

Their bond is unbreakable

Lorelai and Rory watch the movie Gilmore Girls at home

Luke and Jess eventually learn a lot from each other, but their relationship isn’t like that of Lorelai and Rory. No one has a bond like them. They are closer than mother and child and rarely need to explain in difficult situations. One side always has what the other lacks and vice versa.

They have the same interests, desires and views. Their connection makes them better people because they learn from each other’s achievements and failures. This is different from Lorelai’s relationship with her mother. Lorelai and Emily’s ongoing feud rarely has a happy ending.

only they understand the joke

lorelai-and-rory girl gilmore

Lorelai and Rory actually speak different languages. They speak quickly, mention countless pop-culture names, and fail to clarify themselves when people are confused.

Emily, Richard, and Luke keep giving chase as they’re both around and it’s fun to watch. They are best friends who don’t always need an explanation; sometimes a movie title or a song is enough. On the other hand, Jess and Luke can never resist the bond.

they fight for each other

Lorelai, Emily, Richard and Rory at Gilmore Girls dinner on Friday night

Whether it’s against a teacher, Gilmores, or someone in Stars Hollow, Lorelai and Rory are always together during difficult times. They know each other’s true intentions and are able to protect each other even when they don’t know what’s going on.

That’s how they know each other. With Jace and Luke, the trust between them isn’t always there, which means they won’t necessarily protect each other during difficult times. Jesse’s lack of trust in others is one of the saddest things about him.

they decide differently

Rory and Lorelai hug outside Chilton after Rory's first day at Gilmore Girls

As mother and daughter, Rory and Lorelai are truly one. Every decision a woman makes as an independent is made with a different mindset. Lorelai couldn’t leave Stars Hollow with Christopher because she thought it would be difficult to leave all these memories behind.

She knew Rory didn’t want to live in another house either. Lorelai also put her wedding to Luke on hold until her relationship with Rory improved. Both have a selfish tendency to make fans feel bad, but are selfless and selfless when together. This devotion to each other is not part of Luke and Jesse’s relationship.

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