Matt Damon and Mark Ruffalo Help Raise Funds for Historic Church and Perform in Stage Reading of ‘This Is Our Youth’

Matt Damon and Mark Ruffalo share a laugh while performing on stage at The Center at West Park on Thursday (November 16) in New York City.

The two stars participated in a reading of the work This is our youthalong with Missy Yager, to help raise funds for the West Park Presbyterian Church building, where the Center is located.

The event was held to raise funds for the numerous repairs the historic church needs and to prevent it from being demolished to make way for a mixed-use development, which was the intention after church leaders agreed to sell it to a developer. in 2022.

Other celebrities in attendance included Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon, Matt Dillon, Christian Slater and Fisher Stevens, as well as playwright Kenneth Lonergan, who wrote This is our youth.

The hope to raise funds for the space is to buy back the building and transform it into a public theater or performance space.

Browse the gallery to see more photos of Matt Damon and Mark Ruffalo on stage at the benefit reading…

Categories: Biography

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