Mama June Reveals Daughter Anna’s Cancer Diagnosis is ‘Terminal’

June Shannon, aka Mama June, is sharing an update amid her daughter Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell‘s cancer battle.

Back in January, the 28-year-old daughter of the 43-year-old reality TV star was diagnosed with stage 4 adrenal carcinoma.

In a new interview, Mama June shared a disheartening update on how Anna‘s diagnosis.

Keep reading to find out more…

“We know it’s terminal. She’s stage four. She’s not gonna go into remission,” Mama June shared with Entertainment Tonight. “We’ve all accepted that, so I just tell people one day at a time ‘cause you never know.”

Mama June went on to say that Anna is handling the diagnosis “pretty good,” adding that she “can still go to the grocery store, she can drive herself, she’s still able to take the kids to and from places.”

Anna has already gone through four rounds of therapy and her next steps are to undergo clinical trials or immune therapy. However, Mama June says Anna isn’t sure if she will continue with further treatment.

“It is crazy to think that she will not be here probably in five years, but I’m hoping that she can pull through and fight 10, 20 years,” Mama June admitted.

As for how she’s holding up with her daughter’s cancer battle, Mama June said the whole situation has been an “emotional rollercoaster.”

“Mentally it’s always on my mind,” Mama June added.

Mama June was hospitalized last year due to a health scare.

We are sending Anna our best at this time.

Categories: Biography

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