Kevin McCarthy makes history as first House Speaker to be removed from office

Kevin McCarthy just made history in the United States House of Representatives.

The California representative, 58, was removed from his position as House speaker on Tuesday (Oct. 3) after members of his own party turned their backs on him.

This is the first time that a Speaker has been removed from office.

Read more about the historic loss of Kevin McCarthy…

Kevin was removed from office after working with House Democrats to prevent a government shutdown last week. In doing so, he angered some conservative Republicans, including Matt Gaetz.

According to Forbes, Matt created the articles to remove Kevin from the Speaker position. Seven other House Republicans agreed with him.

Despite working with Kevin to avoid a shutdown, Democrats chose not to support the politician and largely voted for him to be removed from office. They effectively sealed his fate. The final vote was 210 to 216, with the majority supporting his resignation.

The party cited “unprecedented dysfunction” and “extremism” under Kevin’s leadership as the reason they chose not to help save him politically.

House Republicans will now need to support another House member to ascend to the seat. Kevin needed 15 votes in January this year before the political party endorsed him.

Categories: Biography

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