Karishma Ramharack biography, Stats, Birth Place, Instagram, Twitter, Father Name

Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name – In this context, we will provide a biography related to Karishma Ramharack. In this article we will provide all important information about Karishma Ramharack. You will get acquainted with Karishma Ramharack in every aspect. All details regarding personality will be provided in this context. you will learn all about them. Those who are looking for this kind of context have access to the best platform. So read this context to the end.

Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Interesting facts about Karishma Ramharack

Karishma Ramharack is a Trinidadian cricketer who plays for Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana Amazon Warriors and West Indies as a right-handed pitcher.

Biography of Karishma Ramharack

NameBlack Lauren
Year old29 years old
Jobcricket player
Date of birthJanuary 20, 1995
Zodiac signUnknown
place of birthUnknown

Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Karishma Ramharack . Physical Statistics

Eye colorUnknown
Hair colorBlack
Shoe SizeUnknown
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Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Education level Karishma Ramharack

College or university?Unknown
academic levelgraduate

Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Karishma Ramharack’s Family

Older brotherUnknown
Younger sisterUnknown
childrenBoy: Unknown Girl: Unknown

Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Karishma Ramharack Marital Status

Marital statusUnknown
Name of life partnerUnknown

Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Karishma Ramharack’s Collections and Net Worth

car collectionUnknown
net valueUnknown

Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Karishma Ramharack’s hobby

InterestPlay cricket

Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Favorite Karishma Ramharack

favorite actorUnknown
favorite actressUnknown
Favorite foodUnknown
favorite destinationUnknown
favorite colorUnknown
Favorite sportUnknown
Favorite singerUnknown

Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Social media account Karishma Ramharack


Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Karishma Ramharack . Occupation Statistics

Runs are scored397
polishing medium4.337.00
best results83*
bowling ball632213
Average bowling34.3823.88
5 shots in half00
Best badminton22/33/8

Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Home team Karishma Ramharack

2014-presentTrinidad and Tobago
2022-todayAmazon Guyana Warrior

Karishma Ramharack Biography, Stats, Birthplace, Instagram, Twitter, Father’s Name

Who is Karishma Ramharack?

She is a famous cricketer.

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Karishma Ramharack’s bowling average?

In WODI bowling, the average score was 34.38 and in WT20I it was 23.88.


In this context, we have given the biography of Karishma Ramharack. This article will be of great help to those who have been searching for this type of article.

In this article, we have provided all the necessary details regarding Karishma Ramharack. So I hope this article will be of help to you and from this context all your doubts will be resolved.

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Categories: Biography
Source: vcmp.edu.vn

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