Jake Gyllenhaal: 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Nightcrawler

Dan Gilroy had been writing movies for decades before attempting to direct them, but when he actually made his directing debut, the wait was worth it. sleepwalker is one of the best films of the decade, using the visual language of neo-noir to bring to the big screen the dark, unsettling world of arsonists, videographers of horrific crimes. and sold tapes to news stations.

Jake Gyllenhaal has gone a long way in promoting the film’s quirky tone, bringing Lou Bloom’s hollow social killer character to life in a sometimes startling style. Psychology is brought to life. Here are 10 fascinating details from the production process sleepwalker.

Dan Gilroy first came up with this idea in 1988

Dan Gilroy first seeded the idea, eventually became sleepwalker In 1988, he received the book nude citya collection of photographs of New York taken by photographer Weegee in the 1940s. Weegee sold the gruesome but ingenious crime scene photographs to the newspaper, Gilroy’s scheme. Chinatown– film noir about his work.

Unfortunately for Gilroy, his plans were shelved when Joe Pesci made a movie about Virgil’s life. Fame. Gilroy found stringers in present-day Los Angeles, changing the setting to modern times.

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Jake Gyllenhaal lost over 20 pounds for the movie

There was a movie starring and then a performance by Jake Gyllenhaal sleepwalker. The film has everything to do with Gyllenhaal’s charming Lou Bloom role. He is present in every scene of the movie.

Gyllenhaal thought Lou would look like a hungry wolf on the hunt, so he lost 20 to 30 pounds to create a haggard image.

Lou looking into the camera in Nightcrawler

when the producer sleepwalker When promoting the movie, they used various experimental viral marketing tactics to get their message across.

This includes creating a fictional video profile of the character Lou Bloom and posting it on Craigslist, as well as creating multiple fake social media profiles of the character for fans to follow.

Dan Gilroy wrote the role of Nina exclusively for his wife, Rene Russo

Nightcrawler Jake Gyllenhaal and Rene Russell

Writer-Director Dan Gilroy Married Renee Russo, Nina Wrote the Screenplay sleepwalker just for her. Gilroy felt the role could easily become a one-way cliché, and that Russell was able to bring real humanity and vulnerability to the character.

Russell, unaware that Gilroy had written Nina specifically for her to play, became interested in playing the role herself because she found playing a desperate man an interesting acting challenge.

the cinematographer is the godfather of jake gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal as Louis Bloom in 'Nightcrawler'

Photographers take beautiful, smooth neoclassical photos sleepwalkerRobert Elswitter, godfather of Jake Gyllenhaal. That’s not how he got the gig; it was just a coincidence. Director Dan Gilroy (Dan Gilroy) joins bourne heritage.

The two began a creative collaboration and began writing for sleepwalker months before going into production. Footage of Lou sitting at the messenger’s desk was shown on the studio’s camera screen, one of Elswit’s own suggestions.

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Lou was originally conceived as a more traditional hero

Lou Bloom holding the camera in Nightcrawler

Originally, Dan Gilroy would host this story sleepwalker Has a more traditional hero character, with the usual traits of a likable lead. However, he couldn’t make a hero interesting enough for the world.

That’s when he decided to turn the script upside down and come up with a villain who was essentially a social killer and disregarded the “rules” of the main character in the movie.

Broken Mirror improvised by Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal screams in the mirror in Nightcrawler

In the scene where Lew screams at himself in the mirror, Jake Gyllenhaal improvises and breaks the mirror. He actually had his arm amputated and director Tangier Roy had to drive him to the hospital after the injection.

After a 19-hour workday, Gyllenhaal needed 46 stitches in a 4-hour operation. He was back on set just six hours after being discharged from the hospital. This explains why Lou puts his hands behind his back in the scene with the scrapyard boss.

Lou’s tree was originally a dog

Lou is constantly watering the plants in his apartment sleepwalker. Showing that he’s interested in something is intended to make Lou a little less blameworthy. In the original script, he takes care of a dog in the apartment.

This was changed to plants because dogs were a nightmare on set. This change is probably for the best, as having Lou taking care of the dog can have an adverse effect on him But also same.

Jake Gyllenhaal does a lot of driving stunts by himself

Like Ryan Gosling did in 2011 driveJake Gyllenhaal does a lot of driving stunts by himself sleepwalker. He even drives the car chase that climaxes at the climax of the third act.

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Tangier Roy originally intended to tell Lou a basic story

Lou Bloom Points and Laughs in 'Nightcrawler'

when he put the script together sleepwalker, Dan Gilroy intends to give Lou Bloom a solid plot story to explain why he became so spoiled. He’s more of a traumatized victim.

However, Gilroy decided that it would be more interesting and disturbing to have Lou without any plot. His past is completely unknown; he emerges on screen as a force of nature.

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