How To Use D&D Spirit Guardians Properly

in the fifth edition Dungeons and DragonsSpirit Guardians is a Level 3 cleric spell from the School of Magic. It requires an action to perform, requires verbal, physical, and material components, and can last up to 10 minutes of concentration. The spell is designed to summon spirits to protect the user when they surround the player at a distance of 15 feet or less. While the spell has potential, players can often not know how to use it to its full potential.

spirit protection magic Dungeons and Dragonss is designed to keep creatures away from the user and create some sort of protective barrier. When a creature enters an area for the first time in a turn or begins its turn there, it must either perform a Mind-saver throw or take 3 D8 damage, or half the damage on a successful save. . Soul Guardian also halves the speed of all enemy mobs. One of the ideal ways to use this spell is when setting up a defensive position. Cast spells before enemies attack and make sure allies are within range of the spell. This will automatically place any enemies trying to come within melee range to take damage and make it more difficult to move around that area of ​​the battlefield.

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There’s also a neat trick research and development The sides continuously move enemies in and out of the Spirit Guardian’s range so they take continuous damage each turn. This can be done by pushing enemies away, the Telekinetic feat that allows the player to push another creature away as an additional action, or the Druid’s Whip which can also move the enemy as an action. additional. Another benefit of using Spirit Guardians over something similar (like a Fireball) is that the user can exclude any number of creatures in sight from being affected by the spell.

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D&D players can maximize Spirit Guardians in tight spaces

Although this spell seems limited Dungeons and Dragons Early to medium gamers, as players level up, they will be able to cast this spell at a higher level and deal more damage. The ideal place to use the Spirit Guardian is a dungeon or other enclosed space, effectively turning the entire room into a trap that effectively slows and damages all enemies. It’s important for players to remember that this spell doesn’t deal damage as soon as it’s cast, but at the start of the enemy’s turn, which the party can use to their advantage.

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