How to Gain & Lose Weight in Red Dead Redemption 2

While many open-world video games are constantly introducing new gear, quests, and mechanics, Red Dead Redemption 2 isn’t one of them. Of course, there are almost 80 main quests. The sights and side quests abound. Literally, a book’s worth of loot is available to take. But this slow cowboy simulator borrows from minimalism in many ways. The user interface is very clean and the narrative sensibility of the actual story and quest progression is simple. Like some good Westerners, Red Dead Redemption 2 embodies realism.

But it’s not just about the detailed character models and language. Camping for a few days in the Lemoyne swamp, Arthur Morgan will get dirty. Head to the Snowy Mountains and see horses with testicular atrophy! Not all the details are important, but some of them are. For example, the weight system doesn’t just affect protagonist Arthur Morgan’s physical appearance. Add some weight and Arthur will be able to get more hits. Lose weight and Arthur will have to lose stamina at a slower rate. However, the game never actually explains how Arthur’s weight is controlled. Just like in real life, this is easier said than done.

How to lose weight in Red Dead Redemption 2

Unlike real life, losing weight in Red Dead Redemption 2 is much simpler than gaining weight. All the player needs to do is eat less and the weight will drop. Keeping Arthur’s core alive is important, but eating enough food to fill those meters is a far cry from what he needs to actually gain weight.

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After the camp casserole, fill Arthur’s belly in one go, then move on to cowboy life without stopping for snacks. If one is really in a hurry, let Arthur run around, or be sent straight to jail for a short time with no or very little nutrition. Or, of course, get tuberculosis!

How to gain weight in Red Dead Redemption 2

Arthur stares hopefully into space

Gaining weight is a more difficult task. To do that, Arthur Morgan needs to eat a lot. To gain weight is to develop the habit of overeating. It takes a while, but if players eat a lot of food regularly, they will gain weight and eventually become overweight. To do this as quickly as possible, set aside some time to just eat and rest, over and over. Doing nothing but overeating and then sleeping is the surest way to gain weight. To maintain his weight, Arthur must continue to eat large meals every day. Arthur can always buy some food at the bar if the resources are low.

Although the player will eventually become overweight, Arthur can (and probably should) aim for an average weight. This way he doesn’t get any damage resistance or stamina boost, but his core depletes at a slower rate. To check Arthur’s weight, go to the “Players” tab in the main menu and select Arthur to check his stats. Or just look at him with the old eyeball!

Red Dead Redemption 2 Available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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