How Many Watermelons Are There? 99% Fail This Test!

Puzzle for testing your IQ: Do puzzles improve your IQ? A study by the University of Michigan found that people solved puzzles for at least 20-25 minutes daily saw an improvement in their IQ scores by four points.

Puzzles are a powerful tool to enhance lateral thinking, strengthen short term memory, and form connections between brain cells.

Now, here we have a viral watermelon puzzle that has been messing up with the brains of millions. Can you tell how many watermelons are there in the picture?

Can you solve this viral puzzle? This puzzle will challenge your perception and critical thinking skills. Try this mind-bending brain test!

Picture Puzzle IQ Test: How Many Watermelons Are There?

In the picture above, we can see four watermelons with a quarter piece missing and four halved watermelons. Looks like a simple counting puzzle. But if you apply critical thinking, there is more to the picture.

Ready for the viral watermelon puzzle challenge? Do not worry, this is not a timed puzzle challenge. You have all the time in the world to figure out the answer.

Can you figure out how many watermelons are there in the picture? 99% fail this test.

Do not worry! we have provided the answer below.

SHARE this picture puzzle with your friends and family. Challenge them to how many watermelons are there in the picture.

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Viral Watermelon Puzzle Answer

So, what is your answer to this watermelon puzzle? Is it 8 watermelons? Well, you will be surprised to know the possibilities of solutions to this puzzle.

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Some people said 8 watermelons.

viral watermelon puzzle answer

Some said, there could be 6 watermelons.

viral watermelon puzzle answer

And some claimed that there could be only 5 watermelons.

viral watermelon puzzle answer

Now, the number of possibilities of the solutions depends on your perception skills.

Did you enjoy this puzzle?

Check out tricky picture puzzles on Jagran Josh that test your IQ, attention to detail, concentration and brain power.

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