How long does it take to clean Times Square after New Year’s Eve? Cleaning details revealed!

A million people descend Times Square in New York City each year to watch the iconic ball drop at midnight on New Years Eve!

Before the evening events, people start lining up at five in the morning and wait hours before they are let into the tourist destination for a chance to get a prime spot for the festivities that take place later that night.

With thousands of people crowding into Times Square for hours on end, massive amounts of confetti and New Year’s props, there’s bound to be a LOT of trash!

If you’re wondering what cleanup is like after the celebrations end after midnight, we’ve got you covered.

Keep reading to know more…

According Gothamist200 sanitation workers will be available to clean up the mess on the streets of New York City!

Health Commissioner Jessica Tisch says the cleanup crew will collect about 100,000 pounds (that’s 50 tons!) of confetti, streamers, hats and novelty glasses by the time the sun rises in the morning.

“The goal is that by sunrise the next morning, Times Square will be as good as new,” Jessica shared. “As if nothing had happened”.

Before New Year’s Eve, the team puts in months of planning and preparation and even had a rehearsal the Friday morning before.

Cleanup begins shortly after the ball drops and it takes workers about six hours to clean everything.

Categories: Biography

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