Haunted Mansion Trailer: Ghosts, Laughs & Owen Wilson With A Battleax

The new trailer for Disney’s Haunted Mansion has just been unveiled, revealing the first proper look at the spooky upcoming remake. The Disney World ride of the same name was first adapted in 2003 with Eddie Murphy in the starring role, but the remake will follow Gabbie (Rosario Dawson), a single mother who enlists the help of several eccentric individuals to exorcise her newly-purchased mansion. The film is directed by Justin Simien and boasts an impressive cast, including Jamie Lee Curtis, Jared Leto, Winona Ryder, Danny DeVito, LaKeith Stanfield, and Owen Wilson, among others.

Now, ahead of the Haunted Mansion release date later this summer, Disney has just revealed the first trailer for the movie, teasing that the anticipated adaptation will have plenty of ghosts and laughs, in addition to Wilson wielding a battleax. Check out the new trailer below:

The trailer makes clear that although it will be a family-friendly adventure, Haunted Mansion certainly won’t be without some scares. While it will be hard to top Murphy’s comedic sensibilities from the original, the movie’s impressive cast really shines in the footage, with DeVito, Stanfield, Wilson, and Dawson providing a taste of the humor to come. Check out the official Haunted Mansion poster below:

What The Haunted Mansion Trailer Reveals About The Movie

Rosario Dawson in Haunted Mansion.

Getting a Haunted Mansion adaptation right will mean crafting a titular mansion that is worthy of the title and of the iconic Disney attraction. The trailer for the film has teased that the mansion in the new remake certainly houses a number of secrets and ghoulish figures, in addition to a genuinely spooky interior. While the new trailer shows off plenty of the eponymous mansion, it also reveals new information about the impressive cast.

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Wilson will seemingly be playing a priest in Haunted Mansion, with Stanfield’s character appearing to be a reluctant ally, who only agrees to help exorcise the location after a sizable bribe. DeVito is confirmed to be playing a history professor in Haunted Mansion, and the trailer reveals that his character may have a more intimate knowledge of the mansion and its spooky secrets than the others. Leto’s character, the Hat-Box Ghost, is only seen very briefly in the Haunted Mansion trailer, but the ghost’s design does stay true to its Disney attraction roots.

Another key to getting this latest Haunted Mansion adaptation right will be balancing humor, terror, and a sense of adventure. Like the ride, the film needs to be fun for the whole family, and the latest trailer would suggest that it will have something for audiences of all ages. Unfortunately, since Haunted Mansion‘s release date isn’t until June, audiences still have a while to wait to check the movie out for themselves.

Source: Disney

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  • Haunted Mansion Poster

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