Harry Potter Reunion’s Ending Is The Perfect Alan Rickman Tribute

The long awaited — and beautifully executed — Harry Potter: Back to Hogwarts The HBO Max reunion ended with the perfect tribute to late greats Alan Rickman and Severus Snape. The special reunites most of the main cast from the original Harry Potter cast, bringing the golden trio back to Hogwarts for the first time in over a decade since the Deathly Hallows films.

Undoubtedly, some of the most famous Harry Potter The cast did not return for the reunion, with Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon and Warwick Davis among others absent. sure, Harry Potter The reunion paid tribute to members of the Wizarding World who tragically passed away after the series ended, including Rick Mayall – whom Peeves didn’t make in the final installment. magic stone – Richard Griffiths and Richard Harris.

Two of the most famous tributes, dedicated to Helen McCrory (who played Narcissa Malfoy and died 2021) and Alan Rickman (died 2016), not only inspired Harry. fan.Rickman feels himself with Harry Potter Knows the cinematic universe better than most actors, in part because he’s on the list of actors JK Rowling wants to see in the adaptation. In fact, his privileged position of being the Harry Potter reunion confirmed that Rickman was the only actor with the right to reveal where his character would be, even before the movie ended. . In memory of his untimely death, Harry Potter: Back to Hogwarts The reunion special ends with one of Snape’s most moving moments, in which he reveals his Patronus to Dumbledore, confirming that the doe is the symbol of his enduring love. It’s for Lily Potter. It was the perfect time to end, not only because of the additional meaning of the word “forever” but also to reflect the importance of Rickman and Snape.

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Harry Potter fans have long used the phrase “forever” as an unofficial catchphrase in their fandom: the phrase is often found on merchandise and tattoos as a sign of commitment. ending, and when Harry Potter confirmed Ho… Gewarts was his real home, and it quickly became an emotional focal point. This makes the decision over Harry Potter Given that it reflects the lasting legacy and emotional impact that the movies — and indeed JK Rowling’s Harry Potter books — have had on the millions of people who have read and watched them, the reunion is special. is a very good choice.

In spite of harry potter reunion There’s a separate tribute and final scene selection as well as an additional tribute to Rickman, who is arguably the most profoundly missing participant. His co-stars — especially Ralph Fiennes — spoke of him so affectionately that even five years later, the tragedy of his death still lingers. While the final “Always” in the reunion is a tribute to fans, it’s also especially like an acknowledgment that Rickman’s legacy will last forever. It is these two factors (among others) that suggest a constant return Harry Potter At best is a tough prospect.

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