1 Stranger Things 4 Detail Made Eleven’s California Story More Upsetting

The hidden details in Eleven’s clothes make her move to California even more difficult strange things Part 4.After the Battle of Starcourt strange things‘ At the end of season 3, the Byers and Eleven family move to California, but are the only characters”Prosperous‘ In their new home is Jonathan. Number 11 in particular is the one who gets ridiculed and bullied the most, and her dressing style shows just how homesick she really is.

strange things The final season of season 4 saw the Byers family finally return to Hawkins, with a surprise ending subtly confirming that they would be returning. Eleven, Mike, Will, and Jonathan have had many emotional reunions in Hawkins, the most poignant of which is Eleven’s reunion with Hopper and then with the comatose Max. Eleven’s joy of being back with friends was definitely taken by Vecna. Hawkins, but strange things Season 4 reveals that she never lets them go.

from start to finish strange things In Season 4, Eleven wears clothes that used to belong to her friends and family in Hawkins. Comprised of Max’s green headband, Mike’s ring, Lucas’s white-rimmed blue shirt, Will’s felt and Sara’s Hopper blue headband, the 11 always carry an outfit from their friend. she was in California while feeling very isolated. Eleven, who spent many years at the Hawkins lab in a hospital gown, expresses her style through memories of friends who gave her instant love when she became lonely. in California. By wearing the clothes they all passed on to her, Eleven is truly never without her friends, possibly in strange things Season 4.

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Why did Eleven’s style change so much from season 3 to season 4

Eleven has undergone some significant style changes throughout strange thingsBut her fashion choices don’t seem to be the style shown in Season 4. strange things In season 1, Eleven has changed into a hospital gown to wear Mike and Nancy’s old clothes, and her style is similar to season 2, where Hopper has to rummage through clothes without raising suspicion. strange things Season 3 was the first time that Eleven really expressed herself through her costumes, mostly thanks to Max’s encouragement. Max takes 11 people to the mall and opens 11 people’s eyes to what 11 does and wears – not what Hopper and Mike want, what she want. With more modern hairstyles and on-trend outfits, Eleven has never seemed more confident in picking out her favorite styles.

However, Eleven’s style has changed strange things Season 4 turns her into a little Joyce Byers quite suddenly. Of course, this is mostly unnecessary. In Jim Hopper’s”die‘, As a single mother of three teenage children, the Byers family make a living wearing second-hand clothes and cutting their hair at home. Eleven wears Jonathan and Will’s old clothes, and Joyce gives her the only hairstyles she wants. Real hair cut – her own. California may be the lowest point for the Byers family, but they’re back in Hawkins strange things Season 4 seems to show that each of them, especially Eleven and Will, have the ability to revive their true selves.

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