Harry Potter: Each Main Character’s First & Last Line In The Movie Franchise

Eight movies, ten years, fans watched Harry Potter He and his friends have gone from adorable little witches to incredible magical warriors, ready to take down the darkest wizard ever. In many (heartbreaking) cases, characters grow, change, die… and in the final flashbacks, even reveal what happened years later, as their children at Hogwarts age.

But only the most dedicated viewers will remember the first and last words uttered by these protagonists in the film—and in many cases, it doesn’t match their first or last words in the book. . Like many of the other tweaks WB has made to the franchise, some of them may surprise book fans, but they all shed light on the characters’ journeys in the film. .

Fred and George Weasley

He’s not Fred, it’s me! Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother. – How are you, Freddie? Correct. Me too.

Fred and George Weasley may technically be two characters, but it’s nearly impossible to consider them separately. Their first and last lines work together as these two talented young men stay together… until they can’t. Their first words were when Harry found the Weasleys on the platform and Fred and George were mocking who their mother was. It’s a perfect setup for pranksters, but their last line shows just how far they’ve come. It’s quieter and more formal, but it still shows how much they mean to each other, as they try to reassure each other before the Battle of Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall holding a wand in Harry Potter

Hello, Professor Dumbledore. Is the rumor true, Albus? – I always wanted to use that spell

For a character with as many incredible lines as Professor McGonagall, her first line is a bit disappointing. She shows up as Dumbledore leaves Harry and the Dursleys, and asks him about the “rumors” (Voldemort is dead, but so are the Potters). However, her last line is one of her best in the entire series, as she shows off her lighter, funnier side, giggling that she always wanted to cast a spell to keep the Guardians of Hogwarts alive. It’s a gentle moment in a perfectly serious scene.

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Neville Longbottom

Matthew Lewis

Trevor! – Harry’s heart beats for us, for all of us, and it’s not over yet!

Neville’s first words are a bit disappointing, too, as he rushes forward to grab his wayward toad as the students first arrive at Hogwarts. It made him look like a silly joke at first, which is not entirely untrue.

However, Neville’s final line is one of the most powerful in the movie, and it shows just how far he’s come. Neville went from a nervous boy who lost a toad to a young man who stood up to Voldemort and mobilized his army when it seemed all hope was gone.


Hagrid smiled and looked away

Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall. -Harry…

For such a large character, Hagrid’s first and last lines are surprisingly short. His first was when he took baby Harry with the Dursleys and he just greeted Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. However, his last line is just one, because he sees Harry. In both, however, Hagrid is defined by the people around him, which is befitting of a loyal half-giant.


Dumbledore fell from the Astronomy Tower in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I should have known you would be here… Professor McGonagall. – Of course it happens in your head, Harry. Why does that mean it’s not real?

Fans may be surprised to remember that Dumbledore’s last line is in the final film, even though his death happened before that. However, when Harry sacrificed himself, he met “Dumbledore” in the form of a temporary afterlife, and the two chatted about what had happened. In fact, his last sentence is one of the most quoted. His first role is less memorable, but it’s still a perfect fit for the role, as he doesn’t seem to need anyone to tell him what’s going on.


Professor Quirrell merges with Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Use the boys. – I killed Snape!

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For such an important character, Voldemort’s first and last lines are surprisingly short. He first appears on the back of Quirrell’s neck, telling Quirrell to “use” Harry to figure out how to get the stone. It was a terrifying, strange, and haunting moment for Harry. His last words were one of frustration as he struggled to understand why the Elder Wand still wouldn’t accept him as its owner.

Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy looking straight ahead of the House at Harry Potter's request

It’s true, what they say on the train. Harry Potter to Hogwarts. – It’s powerful, but it’s not the same. It doesn’t quite understand what I mean. Do you know what I’m thinking?

Draco has gone through a lot of personality development throughout the series, losing his certainty of himself, struggling and fighting Harry over and over again. He first meets Harry when they arrive at Hogwarts, and he immediately tries to dominate Harry and please him.

Sadly, his last few sentences don’t show how far he’s come, as he talks to Harry about his wand in the Room of Requirement before attacking him. Instead, his final moments – when grown-up Draco quietly nodded to Harry from the podium at Hogwarts – reveals more about how he’s finally changed.

ron weasley

I’m sorry, do you mind? Everywhere else is adequate. – I’m just saying, it’s the Elder Wand, the strongest wand in the world. With it, we will be invincible.

Ron has some incredible moments throughout Harry Potter franchise – but neither his first nor his last lines necessarily count. At first, he just sat with Harry because he couldn’t find another seat, and the two had no idea how close they had become. However, it shows that Ron was always friendly and was never too interested in getting to know Harry because of his reputation (perhaps because of his generosity towards the Chocolate Frog…). His last words were addressed to Harry as he decided what to do with the Elder Wand.

Hermione Granger

Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost one. – “we”?

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Hermione’s opening scene portrays her as an unbearable know-it-all – on purpose, of course! However, her first words really tried to help. Even though she despises Neville for losing his toad, she still tries to help find it, which is what Hermione thinks of T. She knows she knows better, but she still does. there to help. In the end, however, her last line sees her take control (a huge personality change for her) as she and Ron ask Harry what he’ll do. with the Elder Wand, and she corrected Ron’s “we” statement. ” – knowing that it was entirely Harry’s decision.

Harry Potter

Yes, Aunt Petunia. – prepare?

For a central character of the series, it’s surprising that Harry’s first and last lines aren’t particularly remarkable. His first sentence, obeying Aunt Petunia, is certainly intended to establish his place in the family and his doom in life, which certainly makes sense from a narrative point of view. . But looking back, there’s nothing particularly remarkable about the line itself. However, his final moments have a stronger impact as he reassures his son on his first day at Hogwarts. The whole speech becomes more meaningful when he reveals to the audience that his son’s name is “Albus Severus” and reminds him that it doesn’t matter which house he is in because it all depends on where he is. Who. However, the final official line is just a prologue to a much larger speech, and it pales in comparison.

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