Han Solo’s 5 Most Remarkable Feats In Star Wars Legends (That Aren’t Canon)

one of Star Wars Han Solo, the main character of the original trilogy, has no shortage of film credits, but the non-cinematic material from the Legends series shows just how remarkable Solo really is. The Legendary Continuity was formerly known as the Expanded Universe, even though it’s officially Star Wars 37 years Canon changed its name and announced an unofficial timeline before launching in 2014 Star Wars The sequel trilogy. Han Solo of the Legendary sequel, like his classic counterpart, has an impressive record of tactical ingenuity, combat skill, perseverance and pilot bravery, This is evident in the non-cinematic literature.

Han Solo is shown throughout the original, except that the execution of Kessel Run is cut short in both timelines Star Wars The trio was a series of highly skilled gunners and pilots who braved the Hoth asteroid field while countless Imperial TIE fighter pilots and the Star Terminator crew lost their lives. Solo is also very good at improvising strategies under pressure, as he did in The Empire Strikes Back and trick the empire into opening their shield vault on endor return of jedi. as picture show Star Wars Age of Legends, Han Solo has also performed a ton of incredible feats in add-on content.

Han Solo’s Blaster Mastery Beats Undead Wookies

Han Solo is known for using a heavily modified DL-44 grenade launcher, whose plasma blast burns most of his armor, making the weapon illegal during the Empire’s reign. While shotguns, armor-piercing or not, are the most common weapon in the galaxy, Han Solo is often considered one of the best rapid-fire shooters in the galaxy, according to numerous sources in and out of space. Solo using Blaster’s Legendary Ability is featured in many Age of Legends sources, but perhaps his most notable feat is in the 2010 novel. dead soldierby Joe Schreiber.

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In one remarkable scene, three undead Wookiees (infected with an Imperial virus derived from Sith alchemy) lunge at Solo, who quickly blows them up. Wookiees are considered one of the most powerful and dangerous intelligent beings in the galaxy, and a single Wookiee is often capable of threatening the most aggressive of raiders. In a moment of reflection, Han Solo defeated all three Wookiees simultaneously with relative ease, despite their increased durability.

Han Solo’s legendary fighting technique

Han Solo in a new hope

While Han Solo only occasionally engages in hand-to-hand combat in the film, Age of Legends docuseries often highlight his prodigious skills in hand-to-hand combat. Han joined Gary Shrike’s criminal gang at an early age and had to become a skilled street gangster to survive. Joining the Imperial Starfighter Corps, Solo’s combat skills become even more deadly, allowing him to defeat experienced bounty hunters like Gareth Shrike. EQUAL The Last Stand: The Boba Fett StoryBy Daniel Keys Moran.

At just 17 years old, Han Solo joined Freedom for All Humans in Sector 4 in the world outside Jubilar. Despite being a young Street Fighter, facing three bigger and more experienced opponents, Han Solo overcame them and won the match before truly honing his hand-to-hand combat skills. me. Thoreau’s victory impressed the fearsome Mandalorian bounty hunter, Boba Fett.

Han Solo is an elite pilot of the Empire

Han Solo saves Chewbacca in the Star Wars saga.

AC Crispin’s heaven trap Explore Han Solo’s legendary imperial past. Like his classic counterpart, Solo joined the Imperial Starfighter Legion, for a time becoming a TIE fighter pilot. Unlike the mainstream Han Solo, the legendary version was one of the Legion’s top pilots until the decision to rescue Chewbacca resulted in his shameful dismissal from the Royal Army. It’s worth noting that only 10% of those who apply to join the Imperial Starfighter Corps graduate, making them an elite branch of the Imperial Navy and explaining Solo’s ability to do blocked Kessel runs. However, like his fighting skills, Han Solo’s reputation as a legendary pilot began long before his Royal training.

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As a member of the Garris Shrike criminal gang, young Han Solo established himself as a formidable speed cyclist in his teens. Payback: The Dengar StoryDirected by Dave Wolverton, Solo races against the more experienced Corellian Dengar before the latter becomes a fearsome bounty hunter. Solo defeated Dengar, mortally wounded him and hated Solo for the rest of his life.

Han Solo defeats the strongest lord in the empire

Millennium Falcon in Star Wars

inside Star Wars Legend has it that the Galactic Empire continued at war with the New Republic for several years after the Battle of Endor, but over time it split into many lords. Arguably the most powerful lord of the Empire prior to unification in 12 ABY (aside from the resurrected Emperor Palpatine) was Zsinj, who controlled the most galactic territory and commanded the largest army of his time. lord of the Empire. Zsinj appears throughout wing letter x novel, but his final defeat to Han Solo took place in 1994 the courtship of princess leiaDave Wolverton.

Zsinj was one of Han Solo’s many opponents in the Legends sequel, but due to Solo’s ingenuity, their feud ended in the Battle of Dathomir. Solo cleverly tricked Zsinj and crew aboard his flagship Terminator Superstar Iron Fist as they took aim millennium falcon Use dreadnought tractor beams. Armed with a barrage of warheads, Solo destroyed the ship’s tractor beam launcher and the bridge module itself, killing Zsinj. In the ensuing chaos, the armies of the besieged New Republic and Harpan overwhelmed the Iron Fist, directly leading to the defeat of the most powerful Imperial lord faction ever seen.

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Han Solo fights Boba Fett’s Palestinian warriors for weeks

In Star Wars Legends, Han Solo and Boba Fett go head-to-head in Jubilar.

Age of Legends comic introduces Han Solo’s amazing fighting and survival skills returnee, Haden Blackman. Still grieving over Chewbacca’s death, elderly Solo is trapped in the trashy world of Raxus Prime, hunted not only by the fearsome Boba Fett but also by some of Fett’s Mandalorian minions. Thoreau spent weeks being hunted by the Mandalorians, traveling throughout Raxus Prime, defeating his attackers, and surviving without the support of his friends or the New Republic. Like his classic counterpart, Han Solo Star Wars Legends is an excellent pilot, fighter, and survivor, and his legendary reputation is well-deserved.

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