Grounded: How To Find (& Defeat) The Assistant Manager

The assistant manager is not the most difficult boss Groundingbut it’s still a tough opponent to play and an important part of the game’s progression base The key crafting recipe can only be purchased if the player owns the Black Ant BURG.L Chip and the only way to obtain this chip is through the Assistant Manager. The boss deep in the Black Anthill Lab releases Asst. Unlock the manager’s key card for the chip room. Therefore, if the player wants Might Glob, Sturdy Whetstone or Quesadillantlion, they will need to defeat this boss.

The first thing to know about finding an assistant manager is to find Black Anthill Labs. As the name suggests, this abandoned lab is located in a black anthill in the southwest corner of the backyard, near the entrance to the landfill. Players can go through base Sandbox biome, but this is further from the lab. Once inside Black Anthill, the player needs to fight or escape any black soldiers they encounter until they reach an intersection with wires in the ceiling. Driving to the left will take the player to Part A of the Black Ant Lab, which they need to complete to unlock Part B.

Once the player has completely searched the lab and opened the door to Area B, they will need to go to the Observation Room in the deepest part of Black Anthill. Press the button in the corner to open the door, then use the bomb to break the glass. When the player interacts with the inner console, the assistant manager will appear to fight them.

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how to beat the assistant manager

Even though I don’t like it base The first real boss, foster mother, deputy director is no joke, and players should be prepared to be locked in a room when the battle begins. Boss battles are divided into three stages, which get more difficult as they progress. During Phase 1, the Assistant Director and two TAYZ.Ts will appear in the room and attack. Kill TAYZ.Ts, then work on boss health.

Phase 2 begins when the assistant manager reaches 75% health, an ARC.R and two more TAYZ.Ts will spawn and the boss will use a heavy attack to trigger the spinning laser column in the center of the room. Phase 3 begins when the Assistant Manager’s health reaches 50%. Another ARC.R and two TAYZ.Ts will respawn and the assistant manager will use another pound of earth to activate the four shock towers in the corners of the room.

The best strategy for players is to unlock and equip base Chopper Mutation, a successful ax hit cancels the assistant manager’s balance attack and resumes cooldown. This will keep the laser and shock towers inactive for longer in combat, reducing the number of elements the player needs to track. The boss itself only has two attacks, a ranged attack and a quick attack similar to the ARC.R attack, so only its minions and effect towers are really dangerous. .

Defeat the minions every time you respawn, try to distract the assistant manager, this boss will prove himself controllable. Nothing is harder than an orchid mantis Grounding.

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