Green Lantern Is the Villain of His Own Shocking New Origin

Warning! Spoilers for Superman: Space Age #1 by DC Comics

In a new origin, Hal Jordan’s Green Lantern becomes the villain of his own heroic creation, as he’s responsible for taking down the ship of Abin Sur, believing he’s an enemy of war. In Superman: Space Age #1 by DC Comics, the rising conflict during war leads Jordan to shoot down a ship he believes is piloted by a bad actor. As a result, he accidentally kills Abin Sur, making his origin more tragic than ever.

Hal Jordan has one of the most classic origins in the pages of DC Comics, as the Air Force pilot gained his power ring after meeting the Green Lantern Abin Sur. After discovering a starship that crash-landed on Earth, Jordan found the alien creature who bestowed his Power Ring to the pilot before his death, believing he was the perfect person in the universe to replace as Green Lantern. However, that origin story just got a somewhat villainous remix in a new story that makes Jordan responsible for shooting down Sur’s ship.

In Superman: Space Age #1 by Mark Russell, Mike Allred, Laura Allred, and Dave Sharpe, the rise of heroes during the ’60s is told as Superman learns more about his history and Krypton as conflicts arise between some of the most powerful nations on Earth. After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, The U.S. Air Force see an unidentified object flying over the Arctic. Not realizing it’s Superman looking for the Fortress of Solitude, he’s shot down. Years later, Hal Jordan and the U.S. Air Force learn about the destruction of Coast City, believing the Soviets are responsible when Lex Luthor is stoking the fires of war. Upon investigation, Jordan shoots down a spaceship he believes is the enemy. However, when he checks out the downed ship, Hal learns he accidentally shot down the Green Lantern Abin Sur.

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Hal Jordan is horrified after discovering Abin Sur, as the alien tells him he was sent to Earth to protect humanity from itself. Sur gives Hal his Green Lantern ring as he dies, transforming him into the hero. It’s quite an interesting origin rewrite, as Jordan is the “villain” responsible for Sur’s death, believing he was helping protect his home by shooting down the unidentified ship during heightened conflicts in the world.

If he could do it again, knowing Abin Sur was driving the spaceship he shot down, Hal Jordan wouldn’t have fired first and asked questions later. However, because of his actions, Abin Sur died and passed his Power Ring onto Jordan, making him a hero, despite being the villain of his own origin story. The non-canon tale makes for a tragic new beginning for the Green Lantern and adds further depth to his encounter with the alien.

Superman: Space Age #1 is available from DC Comics now.

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