Grand Company Seals and How to Spend Them

At the beginning of the Final Fantasy XIV story, you will be asked to choose a large corporation from the original three cities to join. Doing so will allow you to start earning and spending a new currency: Corporate Stamps.

These will be useful for a variety of things, so in this guide I’ll discuss the different ways you can get your stamp and the items I recommend you buy.

Origin of company seal

company sealing cap

The first thing you should note is that, like many currencies in FFXIV, you can only hold a certain number of Grand Company Seals at a time. On this chart, your maximum is based on your rank in your Big Company.

The current highest rank is Captain, who can hold 90,000 Dalian Seals.

Each Grand Company uses a different currency (Storm Seals, Serpent Seals and Flame Seals) and if you change your allegiance then you will start earning new Seals and are limited by your level in New Grand Company.

Don’t worry, your Company Rank and Mark will still be there if you later want to return to your first Company.

Hunting diary

One of the earliest sources of corporate seals must be the Grand Company’s Hunting Diary. This is a one-time supply of corporate seals, and each major Company has its own hunting log.

It’s an easy way to earn stamps for your first few levels when you haven’t unlocked Expert Delivery.

In fact, in order to qualify for higher ranks in your Grand Company, you need to complete these hunting log entries anyway, so you can also complete them and give the seals directly to the leaderboard.

Follow these enemies in the afterlife and destroy them to earn the company seal, just like you would get experience from a job diary.

supply mission

If you have Crafters and Collectors unlocked, this is an effective way to earn a lot of Stamps, which can be repeated daily. You can check the items you submit in the timer menu (Ctrl+U) and will be random items for each crafter or collector level.

You probably won’t be able to get the most out of these turn-by-turn add-ons in your first Big Company, as artisans and foragers need some time investment to level up. However, if you later switch sides, you’ll need to start over to get new stamps, ready to use right away!

It’s also a very simple and effective source of experience for your artisans and gatherers, so if they’re still leveling up all the better.

Now that HQ parties are defunct, supply missions are particularly easy. You just need to collect the listed numbers and hand them over. Pay special attention to starred items as their rewards will increase.

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After changing major Companies, a few days of joining will get you through the ranks early.

Professional delivery

This is where I get most of my corporate contracts so far. Once you reach the 2nd Sergeant (Storm/Viper/Fire), you unlock the ability to exchange unwanted gear for Seals.

As a general rule, pink, green and blue devices can be delivered. One exception is that the current end-game loot cannot be traded, including high-level quests, the most recent 24-player raid, or the latest 8-player raid level, while the loot of they are still limited per week.

Depending on how you want to organize your gear, you’ll want to make sure the dropdown is set to “Hide items in gear set” or “Hide items in weapon chests” so you don’t accidentally do it. lose something that you are using.

There is no undo or redeem button for this subscription, so be careful and double-check when the confirmation window pops up.

If you cast Need or Greed on everything in your possession, you’ll have a ton of items to hand in every time you pass by your Company.

The higher the item level, the more stamps you get. Unwanted gear from the Endwalker dungeons (81+) is a great source of stamps, which is why it’s probably the number one stamp source for your company whenever dungeon content is a part in your game.

Sending your minions on quick adventures can also yield loot in dungeons or raids, so they’re good fodder for extra sealing if you don’t want their enchantments.

If you have spare Poetics Books, you can convert them into Company Stamps by exchanging them for the enhanced cryptographic Lurker accessory at Eulmore.


So at first I thought there were more roulettes that gave the company the seal, but looking back, it seems there are only Level Up Roulette and Guildhest Roulette.

Both of these will land you a small amount of Company Stamps in the daily roulette bonus, but if you line up as an Adventurer in need, you’ll get another bonus.

The total number of stamps on Guilhests is pretty low, so I wouldn’t mind those, Level Up Roulette only offers decent amounts if you line up as an Adventurer in need because the payouts for very good roulette.

I still wouldn’t recommend playing Level Up Roulette more than once per day just to get the seal. It might be worth it if you make a high level dungeon and trade the equipment you get.


Not all FUTURE will give you Company Stamps, but if you are DEFINED in the Rebirth, Heavensward or Stormblood areas, you will receive a small amount of Stamps from successful FATEs.

Might be useful if you want to sharpen some seals for early promotion, but otherwise there are very few of them, so if you’re going to do a bunch of destinies, these seals are a great bonus more, maybe a weapon component relic Or another class level up.

consumer company seal

Rank up

Your first priority is to raise your profile in the Grand Company. This will allow you to hold more Company Stamps at once and will unlock important features like Delivery Specialist (Second Sergeant) and Expedition Squad (Lieutenant).

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There are some cosmetic items, such as emojis and followers, that are obtained through company stamps, so this can be part of your initial big purchases.

Emojis (ballroom ritual items) include /attention, /atease, and /reflect, and every major corporation has an adorable puppy to collect, so you’ll need to change his loyalty throughout his FFXIV career to catch them.

The gear sold by Quartermaster also falls under the cosmetic category, because it really isn’t worth buying to fight for considering the amount of gear the game throws at you just to get you through the story.

Remember, if you like a Charm item, you can only use it when allied with that large corporation. Changing allegiance will prevent you from using it until you return to that company.

consumable supplies

Venture capital is something you can use up every day sending to your patrons, so you can always hoard them if you seal your limits at the company.

If you frequently change the look of your skin, the Charm Prism and to a lesser extent the Charm Scatter will be used. Glamor Prisms are also regularly marketed.

Cordials can be used to combine more collect actions in a shorter amount of time, which is useful when you’re collecting endgame material from timers, especially when items new products appear.

Relic weapon materials

If you’re a collector of shiny items and you know you’re close to completing the Relic Weapon quests, you can avoid overcharging your company seal by being prepared for the Weapon steps Certain monuments.

For each Zodiac Relic Weapon (A Realm Reborn) you need 4 Bombardment Cores, purchased from your Company Captain for 80,000 Marks (4 x 20,000).

For each Anima Relic Weapon (Heavensward) you need 4 Adamantite Francescas, 4 Titan Mirrors, 4 Scatter Arrows and 4 Kingcakes, also purchased from Quartermaster for 80,000 Seals (4 x 4 x 5,000).

trophy box

There are two types of loot boxes that you can purchase with your Company Stamp: Material Container 3.0 and Material Container 4.0. They all contain a random follower or (very few) mounts, so if you’re the gambling collector type, you can choose to unload your stamps on these.

So which one should you buy? Crate 3.0 can contain Night Sky Horse Whistle or Ancestral Horn, which are random mounts obtained from Death Palace and Airship Adventures respectively.

Zu Horn can be bought relatively cheaply on the market (around 100k at the time of writing), so you would really just buy this loot box in hopes of hitting the Night Pegasus Whistle jackpot (about 10 million at the time of writing). write) .

Material Container 4.0, on the other hand, has more mounts in its loot table, including auspicious Kamui (from Stormblood Extreme Trials), Dodo Horn (from Heaven High), Flying Chairs (craftable), Eldthurs and Eurekan Petrel (Both from Eureka Loot Chests).

Personally, I tend to go for 4.0 loot boxes, but if you need a Night Pegasus mount urgently then 3.0 is the right choice.

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resold items

Some of the items you buy for your corporate seal can actually be bought and sold in the marketplace as well, meaning you can essentially convert your corporate seal into gil.

Check out the server market and you can find some fast and reliable selling items. Some of the items that you might want to check out are Charm Prism, Charm Dispeller, Coke, and Raziqsand.

If you don’t mind market deals and deal with rebates and taxes, you can simply buy some items for vending and convert your stamps to gil that way.

Once you reach Ensign, you can purchase some crafting materials that sell for 600 stamps and automatically sell for 360 gil per stamp (0.6 gil per stamp).

There are many of these items, any one will do. Some examples include bamboo paper, magic oilcloth, synthetic oil stone or duck bone.

squadron mission

Send your expedition team needs a small number of seals, so be sure to have a few thousand seals ready so they can at least complete their weekly quest.

what not to buy

There are a number of items that sound like a bargain at first glance, but upon closer inspection, they really aren’t an efficient way to use your Stamps.

Level 8 Dark Matter allows you to repair all your gear, so it comes in handy if you have a lot of Dark Matter on hand. However, you can buy this item for gil from many NPC vendors, and when you look at the cost, it doesn’t make much sense to spend a stamp to save such a small amount of gil. You can use these stamps to buy semi-automatic items for more than this.

The Grand Company Aetheryte ticket takes you directly to your Grand Company headquarters for free, which sounds convenient. The price for this item is too high for me to justify using it.

Regular Ethereum tickets were easy to get and teleported to Ethereum Square for free, so you basically have to pay a hefty fee of 2000 stamps to skip the 10 second walk to the Great Co. me.


As a new addition to your Big Company, complete the Hunting Diary and Supply and Replenishment quests daily to level up until you unlock Expert Delivery.

Trade in unwanted gear for a steady stream of corporate stamps, and as you get closer to the limit, spend them on adventures, glamor prisms, and whatever cosmetics you’re still missing. Personally I only use seals when I’m close to the lid so I can use them for squadron missions or relic weapons.

Do you get rare items from those Materiel Container loot boxes? If you have any other favorite uses for your corporate seal, please let us know!

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