Fire Emblem: Three Hopes – Shamir Expedition Answers

To increase Shamir’s support and morale in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, the player must achieve “Perfect Dialogue” during her crusade.

Shamir is a mercenary who acts as a Cyros knight and is one of the characters the protagonist can invite on expeditions. Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. During expeditions, Shatz can spend time with their favorite units by exchanging dialogue, asking them insightful questions, and giving them gifts. If the dialogue in Shamir’s Expedition is done correctly, the protagonist achieves “perfect dialogue”, which occurs after choosing the best answer and response. Therefore, to achieve perfect dialogue Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Will increase Shamir’s support level, increase her charisma and morale to perform better in battle.

Before the player can explore with Shamir Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, they must first unlock this feature by defeating Chapter 4. After starting Chapter 5, the protagonist will have a chance to lead Shamir or other units on an expedition after consuming an activity point. This opportunity is only available to roles with Support Level C or higher. The best time to go out is when Shamir’s message appears at the end of the battle, stating that she “wants to join an expedition”.

While the questions, answers, and answers for Shamir’s Expedition remain the same throughout, the dialogue options are chosen at random for each attempt. Accordingly, the main character in the play Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes They are required to choose the correct answer or answer for the related question or sentence to get Shamir’s best answer.

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How the Shamir expedition achieved the perfect conversation

Here are the answers and feedback for the best options for a perfect conversation in Shamir’s Crusade Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes:

The choice of the Shamir expedition – Discussion

  • Dialogue: “I spent seven years in Ferdland.” | Answer: Ask where she is going next.
  • Dialogue: “I don’t think we need to talk.” | Answer: Suppose you speak because you want to.
  • Dialogue: “It would be nice if you were also from somewhere other than Verdland.” | Answer: Smile and agree that it will be neat.
  • Dialogue: “More and more famous people” | Answer: Please declare that you will not be left behind.
  • Dialogue: “The constant battles make times like this precious.” | A: Nice to hear her say that.
  • Conversation: “We almost won the battle Fire icon warrior” | Answer: Claim that you will surpass him.
  • Dialogue: “Yes. Nice and quiet.” | Answer: Silently nod.

Shamir Expedition Choice – Ask a Question

  • Question topic: Ask about their interests. | Answer: Say you understand.
  • Question topic: Ask about what they don’t like. | Answer: Vinh.
  • Question topic: Ask about future dreams. | Answer: Sympathy.
  • Question topic: Ask about their concerns. | Answer: Sympathy.
  • Question topic: Ask about their home. | A: Ask for more details.
  • Question topic: Ask about past memories. | Answer: Keep quiet.
  • Question topic: Ask their friends. | Answer: Be trustworthy.
  • Question topic: Ask about your preferred fighting style. | Answer: Follow up.
  • Question topic: Ask what they think of you. | Response 1: “You are stoic.” – Answer 1: Laugh. | Answer 2: “Because I’m a junior” – Answer 2: Blushing.
  • Question Subject: Ask about any personal news Fire icon warrior
  • . | Response 1: “I have become…softer” – Response 1: Reach out and show empathy. | Response 2: “Ignore me, what’s wrong with you” – Response 2: Silence.
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Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Compatible with Nintendo Switch.

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