Fans Use Music from Billie Eilish, BTS & More Pop Artists on Their Sleep Playlists – Here’s 5 Popular Songs for Falling Asleep

If you’re looking to fall asleep more easily at night, you might want to add Billie Eilish or BTS to your nighttime playlist.

A new study conducted in Denver and published in the academic journal PLOS One examined the music that people listen to when they sleep. Their findings suggest that it wasn’t just classical music or ambient sounds that did the trick.

In order to determine the songs that people turn to around bedtime, they examined more than 200,000 songs across nearly 1,000 sleep playlists on Spotify, according to the New York Post.

While peaceful music obviously made the list, the outlet noted that five songs performed by popular acts also receive prime placement on sleep-focused playlists. Some of them are quieter, while others – including the BTS example – are more high-octane.

Scroll through five popular songs from pop artists that are often included on sleep playlists…

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