Everything Worst Roommate Ever Leaves Out About K.C. Joy

home television blooms worst roommate Covers well the events surrounding the murder of Maribel Ramos, but omits some details about her roommate and killer, KC Joy. Police began investigating the disappearance of CSU veteran and student Maribel Ramos, who was found dead about two weeks after she missed several important events. They quickly arrested Kwang Chol “KC” Joy, and worst roommate – Now on Netflix – Dive into the killer’s true identity.

Ramos and Joy met her in Orange, California, when they responded to her Craigslist roommate ad. Over the next 18 months, they became friends, but Ramos’ sister worst roommate KC Joy wants more than friendship. After a heated argument over rent in which Ramos told Joey he had to leave their apartment, Maribel Ramos was declared missing. Orange County Deputy District Attorney Scott Simmons said,If he can’t get her, then there won’t be anyone else

KC Joy was the main suspect of the police from the beginning, but at first, they had no solid evidence against him. That changed when a surveillance team caught Joy searching the internet for satellite images of the remote area, where police quickly found Ramos’ body. He was found guilty of second-degree murder for the murder of Maribel Ramos and sentenced to 15 years in prison. worst roommate That’s the end of it, but here’s everything about KC Joy that the Netflix series left out.

Life before KC Joy met Ramos

worst roommate Not much is known about KC Joy’s life before Ramos, perhaps because so little is known about his background. The original Netflix documentary reveals that Joey moved from Tennessee to California after his life was a bit disrupted. He lost his job, his parents died, he and his sister had a bitter dispute over inheritance. worst roommate Joy’s sister was contacted and she explained that he had a violent temper that scared her so much that she received a restraining order against him. When Joy first met Maribel Ramos, he had no connection with the others. He doesn’t seem to have any friends, and his social life in California largely follows the events she invites him to.

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KC Joy immigrated to the United States as a child and traveled extensively throughout the United States, ending up in California. documentary about true crime worst roommate mention that Joey used to live in Tennessee, and white page Previous addresses of “Kwang Chol Joy” in Mississippi and Missouri are also listed. If KC Joy’s temper is really as bad as his sister claims, then he’s probably gone around a lot to get out of the bad situations he’s put himself in. His sister apparently still lives in Knoxville, Tennessee.

KC Joy wants a retrial

worst roommate - kc-joy

KC Joy pleaded “not guilty” at the trial and remains innocent to this day. During the trial, he wrote to the judge and the media, claiming that there was no corroborating evidence against him. He asked for a retrial instead of an appeal, he said (through Meiya WWW),”They ransacked my apartment about seven times. no DNA. No fingerprints. no sign of foul play or anythingPolice have struggled to find any physical evidence that directly links him to the crime, explaining the lack of information. worst roommatePolice were unable to make an arrest until Joey was shown to have specific knowledge of the body’s location. The Ramos family and the court were indifferent to Joy’s pleas, and his request for a new trial was denied. He remains incarcerated at a correctional training facility in Soledad, California and will be eligible for parole in February 2023.

KC Joy’s defense says Ramos may have committed suicide

Grave-maribel - the worst roommate

Another detail about the trial worst roommate Miss is KC Joy’s legal defense alleging that Mirabel Ramos may have committed suicide. With the location of the body being the primary evidence against him, Joy’s defense attorney stressed that there was no evidence that he actually committed the murder and that Ramos himself could be responsible for what happened. her death. NBCLos Angeles) Ramos is prone to paranoia. The Netflix documentary reveals that she previously called 9-1-1 to say she felt unsafe after an argument with her roommate and has since slept with a machete to protect yourself. The defense also sought to suggest that Ramos had a drug or alcohol problem. She was drinking on the night of the call and could put herself at risk. They assumed that she might have died of illness or even committed suicide, prompting KC Joy to throw away her body in panic. His attorney added, “The crime proven here is the improper handling of corpses‘ However, the court seems to disagree.

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The cause of Ramos’ death was never determined

Worst roommate ever found

Adding to the difficulty for investigators to definitively link the crime to KC Joy in the Netflix true-crime show is the lack of conclusive evidence as to Maribel Ramos’ cause of death. Her body was found in Modjeska Canyon in the Santa Ana Mountains nearly two weeks after she went missing, by then so decomposed that it needed to be identified through dental records. The degree of decomposition makes it impossible to determine how Ramos died. worst roommate Hinting at the possibility that, with no sign of a struggle – except for a scratch on KC Joy’s arm – Ramos may have suffocated in his sleep. There was also a barbed wire fence at the scene where her body was found, but it is not known how long it was there or if it had anything to do with her death. Sadly, no one will know exactly how Maribel Ramos died.

KC Joy is writing a book

worst roommate - kc-joy-picture

worst roommate It turned out that KC Joy was writing a book. KC Joy told witness news He is writing a book about his experience suspect, guilty until proven innocentThe fact that the title is based on the American doctrine of presumption of innocence suggests that the book will criticize the country’s justice system while further reaffirming his plea of ​​innocence. At sentencing, he said, “My family wants me to apologize, I can’t apologize for something I didn’t doLittle is known about the project, but the book will likely detail Joy’s account of the events surrounding Ramos’ death, which he has plenty of time to deal with. Joy could use the book to emphasize her love for Ramos. Feel for Ramos, a deeper look at their friendship when they lived together that the Netflix documentary series could cover.

However, it is also possible worst roommateKC Joy will humbly plead guilty and decide to incorporate aspects of her legal defense argument — basically, being the person disposing of Ramos’ body doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s also the cause. cause of her death. It is unlikely (though not impossible) that the book will end with some sort of apology to the Maribel Ramos family.

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Why the worst roommate left so much about KC Joy

KC Joy and Mirabel Ramos talk about the worst roommates ever

There are several reasons behind worst roommate Too much information about KC Joy is left out. The first is the episode length. The average length of a five-part Netflix miniseries is about 50-60 minutes. That means the producers may not have had enough time to put in all the information about KC Joy (and other worst roommates like Youssef Khater), including the deeper plot and problems passed his initial testing. In order for the story to be relevant, some information that is not entirely inseparable from the story must be set aside and further researched by interested parties on their own. Much has been removed from the stories of Dorthea Puente, Youssef Khater and Jamison Bachman. So it was natural to condense KC Joy’s entire story to the show. After all, Jamison Bachman has two full episodes to himself, and there’s still quite a bit of information left out.

Speaking of Jamison Bachman, worst roommate Documentary series based on an article about the man. Plus, Squatter has two episodes dedicated to his feat, meaning he’s actually the main event that ends the series. Most of the facts about KC Joy are set aside as the show’s creators are probably more interested in Bachman than any other topic. worst roommate really miss it. In the end, the reason behind the missing information could be the discontinuation of KC Joy’s book promotion. Famous prisoners often made book purchases to keep their name and circulation in order to satisfy their narcissistic needs. However, focusing further on such things leads to an ethical gray area, which is worst roommate Could have tried to avoid it.

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