Elden Ring: How To Get The Blackflame Monk Set

Blackflame Monk Set is a 4-piece armor set Eldon’s Ring Worn by devout followers of the Order of the Black Flame. Parts of the set are forged from black iron and decorated with gray fabric. The breastplate bears some resemblance to the one-eyed shield, revealing a fierce two-eyed face. The Blackflame Monk outfit has strong physical and magical protection as well as durable resistance Eldon’s Ring. Unfortunately, this set doesn’t offer any passive bonuses that allow Godslayer. However, this skin is definitely for players of Blackflame-centric characters.

Unsurprisingly, Black Flame Monk is located at Eldon’s Ring Falling out of the crowd of Blackflame Monk, a humanoid enemy found in several locations Eldon’s Ring, especially near the lair of the lurking boss. Again, the best places to plant this set are in the basement of Caelid’s tower and the front steps leading to the Temple of Eiglay.

Early in the game, the basement of Caelid’s Sacred Tower is more accessible than Volcano Manor’s Temple. To reach this location, Tarnished must travel north of Dragonbarrow’s map piece. After ascending the tower to enter the inner entrance, the player must overcome dangerous jumping puzzles to reach the Site of Grace known as the Sacred Tower of Caelid: The Vault. From here, a farmable Blackflame Monk can be found at the bottom of the first staircase leading to the Apostle’s underground lair. Low-level adventurers who don’t need to rush to equip the machine can confront this elite enemy by guiding it up a nearby shortcut ladder. Once it’s at the top, kick the mob off the ledge for an instant kill.

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Where to grow Blackflame Monk Kit

or, Eldon’s Ring Fans can raise another Black Flame Monk once they reach the Volcano Manor in Germir Mountain. While exploring the outer areas of the manor, Tarnished will find the Temple of Eiglay, the main room of the Godskin Noble. A Blackflame priest guards the stairs near the entrance to the temple. The closest place of grace to this farmhouse is inside the church.

Therefore, the player should defeat the skin nobles before starting the farm. Some bleak adventurers find the location slightly better than Kellid’s Sacred Tower, as the Black Flame Priests of the Aiglei Shrine have their backs to the entrance, which provides the opportunity for a stab the back of the head. However, the creature’s large HP meant it would still take several hits before collapsing. With enough persistence and mysteriously enhanced RNG, Eldon’s Ring The defiled farmers will be able to obtain the entire Blackflame Monk in less than an hour.

Eldon’s Ring Available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

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