Eclipse 2023: What are the different types of eclipses?

The massive celestial bodies, namely the Earth, Moon, and Sun, align perfectly four to seven times a year to create a dark spectacle of cosmic proportions known as eclipses. The terms Surya Grahan (eclipse) and Chandra Grahan (lunar eclipse) are often used to refer to these eclipses, depending on the alignment. However, these two eclipses are divided into several subcategories.

There are different types of solar and lunar eclipses. The alignment of the planets and their separation from each other define these types or groups.

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Types of Surya Grahan

The Moon’s alignment with the Earth and the Sun, as well as its distance from the Earth, determine the type of eclipse that can be seen by the public.

  • Total solar eclipse
  • Hybrid eclipse
  • Partial eclipse
  • annular eclipse

From left to right, total solar eclipse, annular solar eclipse, and partial solar eclipse. Credits: Total Eclipse (left): NASA/MSFC/Joseph Matus; annular eclipse (center): NASA/Bill Dunford; partial eclipse (right): NASA/Bill Ingalls

Total solar eclipse

A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon completely obscures the Sun as it moves in front of the Earth. It is only visible to those in the Moon’s shadow when it hits the Earth. The sky will darken, like a sunrise or a sunset.

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annular eclipse

When the Moon is at or near the point farthest from the Earth and passes in front, blocking the Sun’s light, an annular eclipse occurs. Due to its greater distance from Earth, the Moon appears to be smaller than the Sun and does not completely cover the Sun. As a result, the Moon appears as a black disc resting on top of a larger, brighter disc, giving the impression that the Moon is surrounded by a ring.

Partial eclipse

When the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, but the three celestial bodies do not align correctly, a partial eclipse will occur. The sun appears to be partially obscured, taking the shape of a crescent moon. Those outside of the Moon’s inner shadow region experience a partial eclipse during a total or annular eclipse.

Hybrid eclipse

The curved shape of the Earth’s surface causes alternating total and annular eclipses. This situation is called a hybrid eclipse.

A species of Chandra Grahan

A lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan time occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow and darkens.

  • total lunar eclipse
  • partial lunar eclipse
  • Lunar eclipse in the semi-dark region

All kinds of lunar eclipsesSource: The Moon in Motion (NASA)

partial lunar eclipse

During a partial lunar eclipse, the Moon only passes through the Earth’s shadow because the Sun, Earth, and Moon are deflected. The shadow moves in and out of the frame, never completely covering the Moon. This type of astronomical event is called a partial lunar eclipse.

total lunar eclipse

When the moon and sun are on opposite sides of the planet, a total lunar eclipse occurs. In this situation, the Moon enters the Earth’s shadow or inner shadow. The surface of the Moon receives a certain amount of sunlight that passes through the Earth’s atmosphere and is poorly lit.

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Lunar eclipse in the semi-dark region

The moon passes through the Earth’s penumbra, or pale outer region of its shadow, during a penumbral eclipse. This time, the Moon’s waning is so subtle that it can be difficult to observe.

The first solar eclipse of the year will take place on April 20. It will be a hybrid eclipse. While the next eclipse in 2023 will fall on October 14, and the two lunar eclipses of the year will be on October 5-6. May and October 28-29.

Difference between solar eclipse and lunar eclipse, learn about solar eclipse and lunar eclipse


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