Dungeons & Dragons’ Epic Psi Warrior Fighter Subclass Explained

The Psi Warrior Fighter combines physical prowess with psionic energy in Dungeons & Dragons, making it an ideal subclass for disciplined High Elves and Astral Plane-dwelling Githyanki. It’s also a popular subclass for the psionic humanoid Kalashtar race of Eberron, although any race may follow this path. Known as a Psychic Warrior in Wizard’s of the Coast’s Unearthed Arcana, this new D&D subclass was canonized as the Psi Warrior in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.

Psi Warriors may have sharpened their minds’ power on their own or through a master or academy. They get their Psionic Power at third level by drawing on the reservoir of psionic energy within themselves. This energy is represented by Psionic Energy dice (d6) in D&D, and a Psi Warrior has a number of them equal to twice their proficiency bonus. These dice fuel certain Psionic powers that can be used as long as they aren’t all expended, and Psionic Energy dice are regained after a long rest. As a bonus action, Psi Warriors can regain expended Psionic Energy dice once per short or long rest.

These dice can be expended to fuel the following powers at the third level: Protective Field uses a reaction to to aid a creature in sight, reducing the damage taken by the number rolled plus the Psi Warrior’s D&D Intelligence modifier to form a momentary shield of telekinetic force; Psionic Strike propels weapons to deal extra force damage to targets hit by the Psi Warrior, equal to the die roll plus the Intelligence modifier; Telekinetic Movement moves an object or creature within sight up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space once per rest, unless a Psionic Energy die is expended to use it again. At the fifth level, the Psionic Energy die increases to a d8.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Psi Warrior Features and Powers

Psi Warriors at level seven learn Telekinetic Adept, which includes the Psi-Powered Leap ability. As a bonus action during one’s D&D turn, players can propel their bodies with their minds, gaining a flying speed equal to twice their walking speed for a turn. The Telekinetic Thrust ability allows the player to force a target to make a Strength saving throw when dealing damage with Psionic Strike. If the target’s save fails, it can be knocked prone or moved up to 10 feet in any horizontal direction.

Guarded Mind is a level-10 Psi Warrior feature that enhances the mind’s psionic energy, giving players resistance to D&D‘s psychic damage. If the Psi Warrior starts their turn charmed or frightened, a Psionic Energy die can be used to remove these conditions. The Psionic Energy die becomes a d10 at level 11, and level-15 Psi Warriors inherit the Bulwark of Force feature. This is a telekinetic shield that shelters a number of creatures (including the user) with half cover for one minute or until the Psi Warrior is incapacitated. This can be used once per long rest, unless a Psionic Energy die is expended.

The Psionic Energy die increases to d12 at level 17, and the Telekinetic Master feature is achieved at level 18. This lets the Psi Warrior cast D&D‘s Telekinesis spell with no material components, using the player’s Intelligence for its spellcasting ability. This feature can’t be used again until finishing a long rest or expending a Psionic Energy die. Having both adept physical capabilities and powerful cerebral powers makes a Psi Warrior Fighter a unique and dynamic being in Dungeons & Dragons.

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