Disney+ Has Let Down James Cameron’s Avatar

Disney+ let James Cameron down Avatar. The Disney+ streaming service is a priority for House of Mouse and a way to stay competitive as the entertainment industry transforms. In fact, that’s one of the main reasons Disney acquired most of Fox’s film and television empire: because it sought the largest possible library to stay competitive.

by James Cameron Avatar The franchise has been described as the “jewel” in Disney acquisitions. The record-breaking film was the highest-grossing film worldwide, at least until Avengers: Game overThe re-release, despite the lasting cultural impact, is surprisingly muted. The sequel is sure to be a hit, and Disney intends to align its release with the opening of new theme parks. The company believes that Avatar The park could be the answer to competing with Universal Studios’ Wizarding World series.

which makes AvatarThe Disney+ release is even more surprising. Unlike the MCU movies, Avatar The streaming service has almost no extras; it only has two different versions of the movie. That’s quite remarkable considering the many different versions released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc, all with a lot of special features. Fox has released many deleted scenes, motion capture testing, documentaries, interviews, and special effects footage. Every stage of production was recorded, but none of it made it to Disney+. Honestly, the lack of all these features is a hindrance.

by James Cameron Avatar Perhaps minimal cultural impact, but better value. something like a movie happened Avengers: Game over In terms of box office revenue, even Marvel Studios can only do so with re-releases. Avatar Making history with his innovations in 3D, James Cameron has advanced the science of filmmaking by leaps and bounds. But also, AvatarToday, Disney’s environmentalist message is as timely as it was in 2009, and it’s punctuated by a number of features not currently available in Disney’s streaming service. Cameron’s special report on the battle to stop the Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu River, “Message from Pandora,” is particularly important and relevant to the environmental content provided by National Geographic on Disney+.

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Hopefully Disney will choose to add all of these add-ons to Disney+ soon. The service can even turn this weird bug into some kind of marketing stunt; sure that The House of Mouse will be re-released Avatar In theaters before the sequel; a well-timed popular addition to Disney+ can create some kind of synergy.

main release date

  • Avatar 2: The Road of Water

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