Catt Sadler Reveals She Got A Facelift And Opens Up Why

Catt Sadler has revealed that she got a facelift.

The former E! 48 years old The announcer opened in a report with Glamor magazine about your procedure and your reasons for having the cosmetic procedure.

Keep reading to know more…

In addition to a facelift, Catt also opted for a neck and eye lift.

Catt admitted that she was drawn to the procedures after seeing a “dropped chin” in her mirror appearance.

“It’s not that I did it because I can’t get a job,” he revealed. “It’s not that I did it because I want my boyfriend to think I look 35. None of it was a consideration. It was more about looking in the mirror and feeling good. How I feel.”

Catt also said she was not pressured to have the procedure.

“I am a little beyond needing the support of others to lead my life. I’m telling you, that’s one of the best parts of the aging process, is you get to know yourself more and make decisions for yourself and what’s right for you without seeking approval from others,” she shared.

After the procedure, Catt shared that she had to be on an all-liquid diet and that the recovery process is still ongoing.

“I have, I think, a very high pain tolerance. I pushed two children. I love tattoos. I’m not afraid of pain. But I was really miserable that first week. Really miserable,” she shared.

While many celebrities have revealed that they regretted their own plastic surgeries, several others have recently come to terms with the procedures they received.

Categories: Biography

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