Britney Spears Revisits 2007 VMAs, Calls It ‘One of the Worst Days’ and Justin Timberlake Was Involved

Britney Spears spoke about her performance at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards in his memories The woman in me.

The 41-year-old superstar took the stage to deliver what was praised as a comeback performance of her single “Gimme More” after taking time off to raise her sons Sean Preston and Jayden James.

However, nothing went exactly as planned. She explained what happened, why she accepted the gig and how his ex Justin Timberlake was involved in “one of the worst days” of his life.

Read more about Britney Spears’ experience at the 2007 VMAs…

Although she didn’t want to go on stage, Britney said she faced pressure from her team to perform and “show the world that she was okay.”

“The only problem with this plan: it wasn’t right,” he wrote. That was complicated by additional problems with her costume and hair backstage and by lack of sleep the night before.

She then ran into Justin, who closed the program after she opened it.

“Everything was going very well in their world. He was at the top of his game in every way and had a lot of swagger. In comparison, she wrote: “She was having a panic attack. He hadn’t rehearsed enough. She hated the way I looked. “I knew it was going to be bad.”

She noted that he gave his all to the performance, even if it didn’t live up to his usual standards.

“I’m not going to defend that performance or say that it was good, but I will say that as performers we all have bad nights. They don’t usually have such extreme consequences,” he stated.

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To make matters worse, Sarah Silverman came on stage to make jokes about Britney and her children. She missed them at the time because she was “backstage sobbing hysterically.”

“You also usually don’t have one of the worst days of your life at exactly the same rate and at the same time that your ex has one of the best,” Britney said of the experience, adding that hate followed her through the days. subsequent weeks.

Britney discussed other difficult moments in her life in the memoir, including when paparazzi captured disturbing photos of her with her children.


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