Botched Will Smith Joke Edited Out Of Chris Rock Netflix Special

Will Smith’s poor joke has been dropped from the Chris Rock audience special after it took the internet by storm. After a year of silence following Oscar’s scandalous slapping incident, Rock is back in fun style with a stand-up special, Chris Rock: Selective Ragein which he takes aim at Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett, downplaying their dramatic relationship and Smith’s rescue.

hollywood reporter A silly Will Smith joke from the Chris Rock special has been cut, the news comes. The bit, part of a special live talk show Chris Rock: Selective RageSaw Rock tries to downplay his history with Jada Pinkett Smith, who he claims told him to stop hosting the 2016 Oscars because he didn’t nominate Smith rescueinstead of the actual Smith movie that year, concussionSources say The Rock and Netflix are working together on the final stream of the special, and people were previously aware of the cut.

Why is it important for Netflix to edit Smith’s joke?

Rock’s Fierce Attack on Smith selective anger introduced some of the jokes the comedian told during his tour the previous year, including labeling the actor as “sugar blacksmith“And he loves to watch rescue Just to see him whipped. Despite all the headlines and fan support surrounding the matter, Rock will argue that he is not a victim and tells Smith, he is “significantly larger‘ And not him, who is taking out his anger on his wife’s affair with Locke.

While it may seem insignificant in a Netflix indie special, the cut Smith joke is a big deal. Chris Rock: Selective Rage Already billed as the streaming platform’s first live event, it not only makes the farce easy to understand, but also shows some humanity to the star when he makes the mistake of trying to broadcast. one year for this issue. angry. While the joke might strengthen Locke’s document and overall defense for the better, it could also vindicate Smith’s defenders in the belief that he’s correcting his mistakes and looking good. rather than accepting them.

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It’s been a week since its premiere, and Will Smith and his family have yet to make any public statements about The Rock’s Netflix standalone special. Considering it took Smith four months to post an entire video on his YouTube channel expressing remorse and regret for Locke and his family, it looks like the Oscar winner will need some time to process. reason what he said before answering publicly, if he did.


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