Bob Odenkirk To Star In The Room Remake In Tommy Wiseau’s Role

Bob Odenkirk plays Tommy Verseau in the long-running remake Room. Wiseau is best known for his 2003 film Roomit was an attempt at a very heavy drama, billed as an unintentional comedy, and later considered one of the worst movies of all time. Room Chances are, it has enough appeal to still show in midnight showings. Back in 2017, James Franco made an Oscar bait meta movie, adding mythological status to the film Room known as disaster artistin which he plays Wiseau, and re-enacts some of the film’s most haunting moments of horror.

Now, another actor is up for the challenge, following Wiseau in the role better call saul star odenkirk is making his own version Room.

Odenkirk is playing Wiseau’s character Johnny in the full green screen remake, /Film Reports. Produced by Acting for a Cause, the film will benefit amfAR (the Foundation for AIDS Research). Odenkirk himself has just confirmed on social media that he is starring in the strange but worthy project and is actually taking it very seriously, saying:

This is real. this is the truth. Let me tell you, I tried my best to sell every product line I could, as much as possible… and I had great success.

The room continues to fascinate 20 years later

by Franco disaster artist The movie is not just a super movie stunt, but seems to be a real attempt at the whole phenomenon Rooma film that is objectively bad in some respects, but nonetheless very engaging. RoomOf course, the iconic “bad movie” owes its enduring status to its director and star, Wiseau, who possesses an undeniably mysterious aura thanks to his quirky voice, eccentric appearance and mysterious plot, a quirky but really interesting character.

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Odenkirk logged in for full remake on Wiseau Channel Room All of this further proves that the film continues to resonate as the last hit movie. However, Odenkirk made it clear that he wasn’t just mocking the movie but the fact that he sold every line as honestly as possible. It will be interesting to see what Odenkirk does with the character Johnny RoomBut whatever he has to offer, it almost certainly won’t be as enthralling as Wiseau’s poor performance in the original.

Source: /movie, Bob Odenkirk/Twitter

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