Batman’s Perfect Nemesis Was Never the Joker (Or Riddler)

Batman’s iconic crooks gallery has given fans plenty of good stories, the most famous of which is his complicated relationship with his arch-nemesis, the Joker. . However, many of Batman’s villains present a real challenge that makes his life difficult, and in fact, it is suggested that his nemesis really is. could be the Riddler. Although he has had many battles between the two sides, one of his villains has a more compelling backstory to stand up to the Dark Knight: Two-faced perfectly.

There are many stories of Harvey’s failure, but the story of Jeff Loeb and Tim Sale long halloween Perfectly encapsulates Two-Face’s complex creation process and his potential relationship with Batman. Forced to face the threat lurking in Gotham City, Batman is drawn into a path of suspicion and criminal underworld. With the help of Detective Gordon, the Dark Knight is drawn to the end, developing a complicated relationship with the man Harvey Dent.

Enemy’s ability to generate consequences starts with long halloween By Jeph Loeb, Tim Sale, Gregory Wright and Richard Starkings. After a series of murders within a notorious crime family, Batman, Detective Gordon and Harvey agree to help each other catch the killer. Harvey’s loyalty is questioned after his home is raided by a criminal organization. The Dark Knight thought that was reason enough for the man to want to kill these criminals. Doubt is a powerful motivator, and Batman wraps himself in it until it becomes him, even devouring him. Harvey is always on his mind and his every move is scrutinized, but it’s a tough time as they both consider each other friends and allies.

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Both want to remove Gotham from the criminal elements, but cannot agree on how to solve the problem. Harvey believes that despite his efforts to catch the Holiday Killer, he is doing Gotham’s favor by eliminating a family of criminals. In fact, it made him suspect that Bruce Wayne worked with Falcone in number 9. He even caught him, but when the jury released him, Harvey twisted painfully. The two are locked in a never-ending dance of blame, blaming each other as traitors and hurters. Once friends, they became enemies, even though Harvey was innocent at the time.

Harvey doesn’t really become a Two-Faced until episode 11, when acid is poured over his face, burning half of it. But that doesn’t mean he committed those crimes. Under Batman’s watchful eye, Harvey’s madness worsens. When he is proven innocent and the real culprit is revealed, the Dark Knight will sink into guilt. Episode 13 shows how Batman blames himself and shows how guilty he is to blame his friends. long halloween Batman’s distrust creates the Two-Faced. Forced to face an old friend and a villain of his own making will be Batman’s greatest challenge and the perfect enemy.

The two of them go between the right things together, and like two sides of a coin, Two-Face and Batman are locked in a battle for the same goal. They perfectly reflect each other’s wishes, but have very different ways of accomplishing them. Batman’s perfect enemy is never the Joker, or even the Riddler, but an extreme reflection of himself, whom he creates and is forced to fight.

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