Baby Yoda: The Most Hilarious Force Choke Memes

Every so often, a pop culture character comes along that really seems to change everything. The creators of the hit series The Mandalorian probably didn’t expect “Baby Yoda” to become a true pop culture phenomenon, but the adorable little green creature seemed to hit just the right collective pleasure points to become almost ubiquitous in the digital world (with numerous fan theories popping up). A true measure of just how popular the little green creature has become is the sheer number of memes that have appeared, many of which feature the infamous Force choke.

Quite a few of them are just too hilarious for words.

We’ve All Been There

There’s nothing worse than going to the refrigerator in the middle of the night and finding out that someone has drunk the last of the chocolate milk (or that one has drunk it and conveniently forgotten to both throw away the empty carton and buy more. This meme superbly captures that sense of longing that everyone has felt at one time or another, that yearning that somehow, someway, that empty jug would once again fill with the sugary goodness that is chocolate milk.

Appearances Can Be Deceiving

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Baby Yoda is, without a doubt, one of the cutest creations to come out of Star Wars in a very long time. However, beneath that cuddly exterior there’s something a bit more sinister. One just never knows when the little creature is going to take it into his head to Force choke someone, and this meme really points out that there’s still quite a lot about this being that the audience doesn’t fully grasp or understand.

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How Dare You?!

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If there’s anything more devastating than going to the fridge and discovering an empty jug of chocolate milk, it’s discovering that someone has taken the last biscuit. Honestly, who does that? It’s not hard to imagine Baby Yoda, or really anyone who could control the Force, deciding that the person who did that could benefit from a little bit of physical discipline to remind them of their manners.

Honestly, what is wrong with these people?

The Struggle Is Real

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Most people see the New Year as an opportunity to reinvent themselves, and resolutions are good reminders for the goals that they set for themselves. Unfortunately, it usually doesn’t take very long for those commitments to self-betterment to fall by the wayside, especially considering how generally unpleasant quite a few people manage to be. There’s no better way to convey that struggle between the new self and the old one than Baby Yoda (and really, who hasn’t wanted to Force choke someone at least once?).

Pretty Funny

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There’s something quite funny about the character of Baby Yoda. On the one hand, he’s clearly a powerful being, able to command the Force and do some pretty extraordinary things. At the same time, there’s no doubt that he probably would have already been dead had it not been for the timely intervention of the Mandalorian. Most hilariously, as this meme points out, he also has to use a car seat. He is, in other words, a real study in contradictions.

It’s Understandable

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Look, it’s understandable that people get angry sometimes. After all, there are a lot of very irritating people in this world, and they often go out of their way to antagonize others. What better way to express one’s sense of frustration than Baby Yoda threatening to Force choke someone?

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Luckily, since most people can’t actually Force choke (so far as is known, anyway), they’ll just have to settle for pretending like they’re Baby Yoda (or, if you’re a little older, Baby Yoda pretending they’re one of the Kids In the Hall).

Don’t Aim Too High

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If anyone can speak to the dangers of aiming too high with one’s goals and yearning for the future, it would have to be Darth Vader. This is the man, after all, who literally wanted to cheat death but in the end became something terrible. In this case, the meme brilliantly reminds the viewer not to set their personal goals too high. After all, it would be pretty hard for any mere human to ever capture the level of cuteness and appeal of Baby Yoda, so why try?

Words Of Wisdom

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Anyone who has seen the show knows that one of the most amusing things about Baby Yoda is that he doesn’t really say anything (as opposed to the original Yoda, who was very, very talkative). However, this meme creator has given the wrinkly little green creature some words of wisdom that seem, on the whole, very realistic. If anyone can inspire others to be a little more respectful in their dealings with him, it would have to be Baby Yoda.

Shock And Awe

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There’s something magical about childhood. It’s that period in one’s life where it seems as if everything is possible. Who hasn’t imagined that they had the power of the Force to command? And, let’s be real, there’s nothing quite so fascinating when you’re a kid as automatic doors, which seem to obey one’s every command. This sweet little meme manages to capture that sense of wonder (but then, that’s not surprising, considering how delightful Baby Yoda is).

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A Study in Contrasts

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There are perhaps no two characters more different than Darth Vader and Baby Yoda. However, one thing they do have in common is a rather unfortunate tendency to resort to Force Choking when other methods of persuasion might be a little more effective. As this hilarious meme points out, however, there’s a pretty big difference between being choked by them, just as there’s a pretty substantial difference between being choked by one’s boss and by a toddler.

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