Arjun Bhalla biography, Wikipedia, Profession

Arjun Bhalla Biography, Wikipedia, Occupation

Arjun Bhalla Biography, Wikipedia, Occupation – In this context, we will provide a biography related to Arjun Bhalla. In this article, we will provide all important information about Arjun Bhalla. You will get to know Arjun Bhalla in every aspect. All details regarding personality will be provided in this context. Those who are looking for this kind of context have access to the best platform. So read this context to the end.

Arjun Bhalla Biography, Wikipedia, Occupation

Biology Arjun Bhalla

NameArjun Bhalla
Year oldUnknown
Joblegal expert
Date of birthUnknown
Zodiac signUnknown
place of birthToronto, Ontario, Canada

Arjun Bhalla Biography Age, Family, Marriage, Engagement

Arjun Bhalla Physics Statistics

Height5 feet 9 inches
Eye colorBlack
Hair colorBlack
Shoe SizeUnknown

Arjun Bhalla Biography Age, Family, Marriage, Engagement

Arjun Bhalla’s Education

SchoolCatholic High School St. Robert, Ontario, Canada.
College or university?Michael’s College, Toronto, Canada, University of Leicester, UK
academic levelBachelor of Science in Law L.LB Advanced from University of Leicester, UK

Arjun Bhalla Biography Age, Family, Marriage, Engagement

Arjun Bhalla’s family

DadSunil Bhalla
MomSabina Bhalla
Older brotherAmar Bhalla
Younger sisterUnknown
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Arjun Bhalla Biography Age, Family, Marriage, Engagement

Arjun Bhalla Marital Status

Marital statusMarried
Name of life partnerShanelle Irani
Girlfriend/Love StoryUnknown

Arjun Bhalla Biography Age, Family, Marriage, Engagement

Arjun Bhalla car collection and net worth

car collectionUnknown
net value400 thousand dollars

Arjun Bhalla Biography Age, Family, Marriage, Engagement

Hobbies Arjun Bhalla


Arjun Bhalla Biography Age, Family, Marriage, Engagement

Social media account Arjun Bhalla


Arjun Bhalla Biography Age, Family, Marriage, Engagement

Arjun Bhalla is a Canadian legal professional and his ancestry is Indian. He was born and raised in Canada. He then started his career as an account manager at Breakwater Solutions Inc. to a telecommunications service provider in Toronto, Canada in May 2014. He then completed a summer internship at Towers & Hamlin., a law firm in London, UK. After working in a law firm in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Who is Arjun Bhalla’s wife?

Lawyer Shanelle is the wife of Arjun Bhalla.

What caste’s surname is Irani?

The “Irani” surname usually does not correspond to any particular caste in India, as it is primarily a geographical or cultural identifier rather than a caste identifier. “Irani” is commonly used to refer to people from Iran or people of Iranian descent, especially those who migrated to India during the Mughal era and later settled in various parts of the country. Some people with the “Irani” surname may belong to a certain caste based on their family origin, but this would not be relevant to themselves.

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Where does Arjun Bhalla come from?

He is from Canada, he was born and raised in Toronto, Canada.


In this context, we have come up with the biography of Arjun Bhalla. This article will be of great help to those who have been searching for this type of article.

In this article, we have provided all the necessary details regarding Arjun Bhalla. So I hope this article will be of help to you and from this context all your doubts will be resolved.

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