Are Pokémon Scarlet & Violet’s Professors Sada & Turo Named After Trees

Pokémon Crimson and Violet professors Sada and Douro don’t appear to be named after trees, which represents a new direction the game is taking.

name Pokémon Scarlet & Violet’s Professors Sada and Turo seem to break the longstanding practice of Pokémon naming professors after plants. Since the first entries in the series, professors Pokémon The game has been named with words like Oak, Rowan, and Sycamore, and in the upcoming release, the names of these characters won’t immediately resemble any other trees or plants. It is also the first game to have a separate professor for each champion, with Sada appearing in scarlet with Touro at Purple.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Set for release on November 18, 2022, it seems like a step up from the tried-and-true formula of the past. Instead, it evolved into an open world to compete with Legendary Pokémon: Arceus And continue down the daring new path that this game began. These games are the biggest departure from the tradition of mainstream games, with 4-player online co-op gameplay being considered a key feature of the release.

The professor’s names, Sada and Turo, are unlike any obvious tree species, at least in the West. Although there are plants like the Sadabahar tree, it doesn’t seem to have influenced the naming of the professor. Due to the game’s main concept of time, the Spanish region, and the Pokémon variants, it is possible to decode characters named after their respective time periods, Pasada (meaning past) and Futuro (meaning future). This can be seen in their choice of clothing, with Sada’s outfit looking like a primitive hunter’s outfit and Turo’s outfit looking particularly sci-fi. They are similar to the respective legends of the game Koraidon and Miraidon, and their names also have past and future dynamics, indicating a strong connection to the core concepts of the games. play this.

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Scarlet & Violet’s Pokémon Professor Will Break Tradition

Pokemon Scarlet and Professor Violet revealed in trailer

While the first Pokémon professors were named directly after trees, such as Elm, Birch, and Rowan, the series started off somewhat differently from this tradition. sun and moon pokemonProfessor Alora famously named Kukui, which means “candle” in Hawaiian. The use of the language of the culture the game is based on allows the characters to have a deeper connection to the region. This was included scarlet and purple, the characters are actually the embodiment of their respective games. These characters seem to have more presence and purpose than the previous Professors, as evidenced by their close resemblance to the legendary characters found only in the version. Named after the time concept of the Olympics and named after the language of the region, the professors symbolized their world like never before.

Moving away from the tree-based naming tradition represents a larger shift in the series. Games and graphics for scarlet and purple Far from the last main game, Sword and Shield, some Pokémon fans hate it even now. Instead, the game will feature an open-world system where Pokémon can be seen in the world. It’s the biggest development in the game since moving to the 3DS era games, Pokemon X and YThe Professor’s naming convention change is symbolic of that change as developers seek to explore new ideas and take the game in new directions.

Knowing the names of the new Pokémon professors is key to understanding their role in the upcoming games. Names have always played an important role in Pokémon games, and new names seem to be no exception. The name Pokémon Scarlet and VioletThe legendary characters Koraidon and Miraidon are derived from the Japanese words “korai” (meaning long past) and “mirai” (meaning future). The juxtaposition of the past and the future will clearly be the focus of the new game’s story.

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