Abhishek Bachchan Wiki, Height, Age, Wife, Family, Caste, Biography & More

Abhishek Bachchan is an Indian actor and a film producer. He is the son of legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan. Let’s delve into Abhishek’s personal and professional life.


Abhishek was born on Thursday, 5 February 1976 (age 47 years; as of 2023) in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. He did his primary and secondary schooling from Jamnabai Narsee School, Mumbai, and Bombay Scottish School, Mumbai. He, then, moved to Modern School, Vasant Vihar, Delhi to complete his senior secondary education. After completing his schooling, Abhishek went to Aiglon College, Switzerland to complete his graduation. Abhishek suffered from Dyslexia (a learning disability) in his childhood. He also attended a Business course at Boston University from which he dropped out to pursue acting.

Abhishek Bachchan in his childhood

Abhishek Bachchan in his childhood

Abhishek with his sister in childhood

Abhishek with his sister, Shweta

Abhishek worked as a LIC agent before entering Bollywood.

Physical Appearance

Height: 6’ 2”

Eye Colour: Dark Brown

Hair Colour: Black

Family, Caste & Wife

Abhishek Bachchan belongs to Kayastha Hindu Family. His father, Amitabh Bachchan, is a veteran Bollywood actor. His mother, Jaya Bachchan, is a Bollywood actress and politician. Abhishek has a sister, Shweta Bachchan Nanda, who is a model and a journalist.

Abhishek Bachchan with his Mother and father

Abhishek Bachchan with his parents

Abhishek Bachchan with his sister

Abhishek Bachchan with his sister, Shweta Bachchan Nanda

Abhishek dated Karisma Kapoor for 5 years before getting engaged to her on his father’s 60th birthday. After 3 months, they broke the engagement and parted their ways due to some family issues.

Abhishek Bachchan with Karishma Kapoor

Abhishek Bachchan with Karishma Kapoor

He started bonding with Rani Mukerji while shooting for the films “Yuva,” “Bunty Aur Babli,” and “Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna.” The duo was reported to be dating each other during that phase.

Abhishek Bachchan and Rani Mukherjee

Abhishek Bachchan with Rani Mukherjee

He also dated the model and actress Dipannita Sharma for a short period.

Abhishek Bachchan Ex-girlfriend Dipannita Sharma

Abhishek Bachchan Ex-girlfriend Dipannita Sharma

Abhishek married Aishwarya Rai on 20 April 2007. The couple has a daughter named Aaradhya, who was born in 2011.

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Abhishek bachchan with his wife

Abhishek Bachchan with his wife, Aishwarya Rai

Abhishek Bachchan with his wife and daughter

Abhishek Bachchan with his wife and daughter

Abhishek Bachchan with his daughter

Abhishek Bachchan with his daughter, Aaradhya


Abhishek started his career in 2000 with J.P. Dutta’s war drama, “Refugee.” Thereafter, he worked in a series of movies, which were average at the box office. Abhishek, then, appeared in “Dhoom” which was his first commercial success. His performance in the film was appreciated.


Subsequently, he featured in Yuva (2004), Sarkar (2005), and Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna (2006). In 2007, Bachchan portrayed the role of Dhirubhai Ambani in the drama film, “Guru.”


Later, he appeared in comedy films like “Bunty Aur Babli,” “Bluffmaster!,” “Dostana,” “Happy New Year,” and “Housefull 3.”

YouTube video

Apart from acting, Abhishek has also tried his hand at singing. He has lent his voice in films like Bluffmaster, Dhoom, Players, and Bol Bachchan to name a few.

YouTube video

In 2009, Abhishek featured in “The Oprah Winfrey” show, along with his wife Aishwarya.

YouTube video

In 2010, he made his TV debut with “National Bingo Night” as a host.


  • When Abhishek married Aishwarya, a background dancer and model, Jhanvi Kapoor, created a drama outside Abhishek’s house by cutting her wrist. She claimed to be in a relationship with the actor and also said that she was the mother of his child. However, the claims were, later, proved false.

    Abhishek Bachchan Jhanvi Kapoor Controversy

  • Abhishek’s honeymoon trip to Florence annoyed many people. Mani Ratnam, the director of his film, Guru, was upset with the actor for not attending the promotional campaign. Similarly, Rani Mukherji was miffed with him for delaying the shooting of her film, Laaga Chunari Mein Daag.
    Abhishek Bachchan's honeymoon controversy

    Abhishek Bachchan’s honeymoon controversy


  • National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi (as a producer) of Paa (2010)
  • Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actor for the film, Yuva (2004)Abhishek Bachchan with Filmfare Award
  • Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actor for Sarkar (2005)
  • Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actor for Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna (2006)
  • Yash Bharati Samman, UP’s highest honour, from the Government of Uttar Pradesh (2006)
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Car Collection

Abhishek Bachchan’s car collection includes Bentley Continental GT, Rolls Royce, and Audi A8L.

Abhishek Bachchan inside his Bentley Continental GT

Abhishek Bachchan inside his Bentley Continental GT

Salary/Net Worth

With a net worth of around $30 Million, Abhishek gets paid ₹10-12 crore per film.


Abhishek Bachchan Signature

Abhishek Bachchan’s Signature


  • Food: rajma chawal, spicy chicken, biscuits, M&M’s (chocolate), banana chips
    Abhishek Bachchan enjoying food

    Abhishek Bachchan enjoying food

  • Hobbies: watching films, driving, sketching, cooking
  • Travel Destination: New York
  • TV Shows: Modern Family, Game of Thrones
  • Song: Tere Bina from the film “Guru”
  • Perfume: Creed Royal Water
  • Actresses: Zeenat Aman, Kareena Kapoor
    Abhishek Bachchan with Kareena Kapoor

    Abhishek Bachchan with Kareena Kapoor

  • Musicians: Sonu Nigam, David Guetta, Swedish House Mafia, Tiesto
  • Sport: Football
    Abishek Bachchan playing football

    Abishek Bachchan playing football

  • Football Club: Chelsea
  • Fashion Designers: Tom Ford, Giorgio Armani
  • Shoe Brands: Ferragamo, Cesare Pacciotti, Alberto Guardiano
  • Restaurant: Chez Francis in Switzerland, Kai in London


  • Abhishek likes collecting boarding cards every time he travels by air.
  • The dance moves of Amitabh Bachchan in the song, “Khaike Paan Banaras Wala” were inspired by Abhishek’s dance moves, which he used to make as a kid.
    Abhishek Bachchan with Amitabh Bachchan

    Abhishek Bachchan with Amitabh Bachchan in childhood

  • Abhishek consecutively gave 18 flops including his debut film, “Refugee,” before starring in his first hit movie, “Dhoom.”
  • Abhishek was the first choice for the role of Bhuvan in Ashutosh Gowariker’s “Lagaan” (2001). However, the role later went to Aamir Khan.
  • In 2006, Abhishek was named the “Sexiest Man in Asia” by Eastern Eye Magazine in the UK.
  • In an interview, Abhishek told that he proposed Aishwarya in the balcony of a hotel in New York.
  • Abhishek drinks alcohol occasionally.
    Abhishek Bachchan with a glass of wine

    Abhishek Bachchan with a glass of wine

  • A book titled “Abhishek Bachchan: Style And Substance” has been documented on Abhishek’s life.Abhisheck Bachchan's book
  • Abhishek is very much addicted to coffee, especially Cappuccino.
  • Abhishek lost 18 kgs of weight for the film, Raavan.
    Abhishek Bachchan in Raavan

    Abhishek Bachchan in Raavan

  • Abhishek handles and manages his father’s company, ABCL, which is now named, AB Corp. Ltd.
  • During the shooting of Bluffmaster, Abhishek nicknamed Priyanka Chopra as “Piggy Chops.”
  • Abhishek co-owns Pro Kabaddi team, “Jaipur Pink Panthers,” and Indian Super League football team, “Chennaiyin FC.”
  • He produced and featured in the film, Paa (2009), which won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi.
    Abhishek Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan in Paa

    Abhishek Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan in Paa

  • During an interview, Abhishek disclosed that in 8 out of 9 films that they did together, Aishwarya got more paid than he did.
  • His nicknames are Junior Bachchan, Junior B, Abhi, and AB Baby.
  • Residence: Jalsa, B/2, Kapol Housing Society, VL Mehta Road, Juhu, Mumbai and A Villa in Sanctuary Falls in Jumeirah Golf Estates, Dubai.
    Abhishek's residence Jalsa in Mumbai

    Abhishek’s residence, Jalsa in Mumbai

    Abhishek Bachchan's villa in Dubai.

    Abhishek Bachchan’s villa in Dubai

  • On 11 July 2020, the actor took to Twitter to announce that he was tested positive for COVID-19 along with his father, Amitabh Bachchan, and both had been admitted to Mumbai’s Nanavati hospital.
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Earlier today both my father and I tested positive for COVID 19. Both of us having mild symptoms have been admitted to hospital. We have informed all the required authorities and our family and staff are all being tested. I request all to stay calm and not panic. Thank you. 🙏🏽

— Abhishek Bachchan (@juniorbachchan) July 11, 2020

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Categories: Biography
Source: vcmp.edu.vn

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