90 Day Fiancé’s Jeniffer Shows Hair Makeover In Cuddly Pics With New Man

Jenifer Tarazona has dumped her 90 Day Fiancee co-star Jesse Meester after romantic photos of her with another man sporting a new hairstyle showed she dumped her 90 Day Fiance co-star Jesse Meester.

fiance 90 days Franchise star Jennifer Tarazona changed her hairstyle and proudly showed it off to another man on Instagram. The 28-year-old Colombian-born girl made her debut on the show alongside ex-boyfriend Tim Malcolm. Not long after, Jennifer began flirting with Darcy Silva’s ex, Jesse Meester, and even co-founded an Instagram profile with him. The young couple was last seen in 90 Days: Single Life Tell-All, make sure they stay together.

fiance 90 days Jeniffer Tarazona and Jesse’s relationship has come under a lot of doubt since they don’t often post together. Instead, they share photos with others; The Colombian reality TV star’s recent Instagram story is one example. Jeniffer shared a photo with a topless young man standing with his arm around her shoulders and hugging her tightly.

Jeniffer Tarazona's 90-day fiance on Instagram

The two look like a couple but the 28-year-old single mother didn’t mention anything to prove it. Instead, Jennifer shows how she transitions from dark wavy curls to straight blonde.

What happened to Jeniffer Tarazona and Jesse Meester

90 Days: Single Starring Jeniffer Tarazona and Jesse Meester

When Jennifer first started a relationship with Jesse, it seemed like the couple wanted to get attention on social media. In addition, the lack of harmony and difference in the personalities of Jennifer and Jesse made them even more suspicious of the fans. In 2022, Jennifer and Jesse broke up, sparking a new controversy online. fiance 90 days The two revealed that they decided to break up because “Personal and Business Agenda”, Jennifer shared that the two were no longer together when posting photos with another man. However, the pair were quick to share another story on their joint account, suggesting they could be together but only physically.

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Jennifer’s recent posts may have sparked huge rumors about her relationship with the man in the picture. She didn’t tag her new man on Instagram Stories, which added to the suspense fiance 90 days audiences. Jennifer may be announcing her new relationship, but doesn’t want to label it yet. Since she used a story to share the post, her potential romance might not be serious enough to go public online completely. However, her post was enough to make fans question her current relationship with Jesse.

Jennifer and Jesse have yet to publicly confirm their split, but there are many clues that they may be over. Their joint account is still active and has many adorable photos of them kissing and hugging. However, the last video is from early December 2022, without any posts for more than three months. Only Jesse is currently following the couple’s joint account, while Jeniffer appears to have unfollowed that account. But fiance 90 days On the personal page of the franchise star, there are still some love photos with Jesse.

Source: Jennifer Tarazzona/Instagram

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