6 Biggest You Theories After Season 4

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Season 4, Part 2!

This article discusses suicide-related scenarios.

Friend Season 4, season 2 saw the end of Joe Jonathan Moore’s identity, but left enough room for a sequel to develop. Friend Season 5 is still unconfirmed, with Friendand Penn Bagley’s 6-year contract with Netflix, Joe Goldberg is likely to return. Friend Season 4, season 2 ended Joe’s time in London on good terms, but there are plenty of theories about what’s next for Joe. Joe has also had some fake “happy endings”, such as when he Friend Season 3.

this Friend The final season of season 4 ends with Kate covering up Joe’s murder and accepting his past. However, it’s unclear how much Kate knows about Joe’s past, she may suspect him of killing his wife, but she knows Baker and his other murders are highly unlikely. Joe repeats his mistake, blaming Edward for the murder of Rhys Montrose and Nadia for the murder of Edward. Friend In season 4, Joe tells viewers that with Kate’s money and power, it’s much easier to kill people. This makes it more likely that Friend Season 5 is endless, because while Joe was rich before, Kate is a different kind of rich.

6 Jenna Ortega’s Ellie Is Returning To Discover Joe

Jenna Ortega’s Original Allie Means Return Friend Season four, but she Wednesday Shooting schedule conflicts with shooting Friend Part 4. If Jenna Ortega Joined Friend Season 4, will be a very different season. Friend The creators considered bringing back Ellie, the possibility of her return Friend If their schedules are lined up, season 5 will be great.exist Friend In season 2, Joe sends money to Ellie when she leaves Los Angeles after her sister Delilah goes missing. Although Allie is not mentioned Friend In Season 4, Joe can still send her money.

While Ellie doesn’t know that Joe killed her sister, Ellie is a smart girl and Jo isn’t always good at covering up her tracks. It would be a fitting ending for Joe if Ellie came back to unmask Joe. Joe has always had a good heart with children, and sometimes he uses that to convince himself that he’s a nice guy, when in reality, he’s helping them because he remembers being a kid. How difficult. If Allie comes back to take down Joe, his weakness will be his weakness. Not only are fans excited to see Jenna Ortega return, but her letting Jo down fits the show’s theme.

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5 Joe will try to kill Kate

you are jo and kate from season four

exist Friend In Season 4, Joe realizes that his murderous cycle won’t stop until he’s dead. To save Kate, Joe decided to commit suicide by jumping off the bridge. However, the police took Joe to the hospital to visit Kate. At this point, Joe forgot his wish to die and decided to work hard to live a happy life with his love. However, at the beginning of the season, Love Quinn’s hallucinations lead him to believe that he is the cause of all the women he loves to die. All of Joe’s conquests end the same way, and there’s no evidence that Kate will be any different. Kate may be smart and resourceful, but so is Love Quinn.

Now that Kate has the resources, she can figure out all of Joe’s crimes. They moved to New York Friend Season 1 begins to hint that Joe’s background will come back to haunt him. If Kate threatens to unmask him or kill him, Joe will probably kill her. No matter how much he loves Kate, it’s possible Jo has a crush on another woman or finds out that Marianne is still alive. Friend Part 5. Any of these reasons could be the deciding factor in Joe killing Kate. However, Kate is richer and more powerful than Love, so making her disappear is a difficult task even for Joe Goldberg.

4 Joe will reunite with his mother and brother

Joe was with you when he was a kid

Returning to New York means Joe Goldberg can be reunited with his mother and half-brother Jackie. In the flashback, it is revealed that Joe’s mother left him and Jackie for another family. Along with other childhood traumas, being abandoned by his mother certainly didn’t help his complicated feelings about women. Whether he volunteers or his brother finds him, Joe will likely see his family again. However, Joe may harbor hatred for his family, so what this means for his family is unclear.

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Knowing more about Joe’s origins would help explain his personality, but Friend Season 4 no longer delves into Joe’s childhood. as mentioned before Friend The seasons have shown that Joe has many repressed memories that deeply affect him now. It remains to be seen whether his family is involved in his downfall, but reuniting Joe with his family will likely bring back painful memories for him.

3 Joe’s Reopens Mooney’s Bookstore

Baker and Joe are at your bookstore.

at the end of Friend In season 4, Joe mentions that he bought a bookstore that was about to go out of business. Mooney’s may be a defunct bookstore, but due to Joe’s exceptional memory of Mooney’s and his newfound funding, he decided to reopen it. This makes Friend Season 5 is in an interesting location, bringing Joe back to New York for the first time since Friend Season 1. However, Joe’s return to New York is probably not a wise move, as there will still be suspicions about him in the past.

Besides Mooney’s Bookstore there is also Joe’s Cage, which he can easily rebuild and continue to confine his victims inside. Since Joe can now get away with murder more easily, he can use his cage without fear of being caught and caught for the rest of his life. So returning to Mooney’s in New York gives Joe more time to kick old habits.

2 Joe will be Kate’s monster of power and money

YOU Part 4 Joe With Wire Crop

A man of humble origins, Joe is always after money, whether he realizes it or not. Relatively wealthy in all his obsessions since Baker, Joe is married to Love Quinn, who is financially successful enough to cover up their crimes. Kate is another type of rich person, the type who allowed her father, Tom Lockwood, to get away with some heinous crimes. Since Joe reminds the audience that it’s easier to kill people now, it shows that Joe has considered the benefits of being with Kate Lockwood.

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With Kate’s unconditional love and resources, Joe may not feel guilty about the murder. In the previous seasons, Joe was afraid of being caught and thought of as the bad guy. With Kate, she gives him the illusion that he’s a good guy while also giving him the opportunity to cover up the crime. It’s a win-win situation for Joe, but Joe’s emotional instability always seems to boil over, so his happy ending with Kate may not last.

1 Kate will eventually kill Joe

you season 4 jo and kate

EQUAL Friend Season 4 has shown Kate Lockwood to be different from past Joe conquests. Not only does she have crazy money and power, but she also admits to doing terrible things in the past. As some fans have suggested, Kate probably stored more skeletons in the cupboard than gave them to Jo. After spending so much time with the father she calls “Dad”sinister‘, some of his actions influenced her. Kate can become suspicious of Jo, especially if he is particularly careless about his crimes. She can kill him to save her reputation, but she can also kill him in self-defense. kill.

Since all of Joe’s conquests end in the death of his lover, Kate will likely be next. However, she could be the one to let Joe down. Kate won’t hesitate to kill Joe if he tries to damage her reputation. Friend In Season 4, Kate and Joe say that they are not getting married because Kate is too busy. But Kate probably knows the risks of marrying someone and doesn’t want to put herself in a financially vulnerable position. and Friend Season 5 is still unconfirmed and all these theories are still speculation, but the possibility of Joe and his demise is certainly intriguing.

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