11 TOS Characters Who Returned In Star Trek’s TNG Era

Classic look Star Trek: Original Series Actors are an interesting fixture Star Trek: The Next Generation era. Legend, for the first three seasons, natural gas company Striving for the hardcore fans Terms of ServiceSo it’s wise to limit cameos from legacy characters so as not to overpower or undercut the new USS Enterprise-D crew. natural gas company With the “best of both worlds” established and commonplace, the production team relaxed and began exploring how to bring the original Enterprise team back.

In 1996, as natural gas company 30th Anniversary Era interstellar travelboth Star Trek: Deep Space NineAnd Interstellar Travel: The TravelerThis event is celebrated in different ways. DRAWsoft drink outstanding classics interstellar travel Guest stars in a flashback of the events Star Trek VI: Unexplored Realms. simultaneously, DS9 Take a creative approach with a classic character Terms of Service The character was developed by bringing Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) and his crew into the episode “Trouble with the Tribbles”. Terms of Service actors return to their roles in television and film natural gas company era.

8 Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy

first episode Star Trek: The Next GenerationDeForest Kelley guest starred as Admiral Leonard McCoy in “Encounter at Farpoint.” This appearance has created the tradition of one person giving appearance trip to be shown to others.Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) appears in DS9pilot “messenger”, while AstronautsIn the “Gatekeeper” trial, Quark (Armin Shimerman) tries to swindle Harry King (Garrett Wang) money. It’s a brief scene in which Data learns of McCoy’s fear of transport planes after Bones inspects the New Enterprise medical facility. Beneath the prosthetic layer after layer, Kelly was still McCoy, grumpy and charismatic.

7 Sarek

Sarek talks while standing on Sarek's teleporter

EQUAL natural gas companyPopularity grows in season 3, which includes Major’s return Terms of Service Supporting Actor – Ambassador Sarek (McLeinard), Spock’s father (Leonard Nimoy). Picard’s excitement at the arrival of such a legendary diplomat was quickly replaced by disappointment when he learned that Sarek’s health was waning. It is revealed that Sarek suffers from Bendii Syndrome, a rare condition that causes the Vulcans to lose control of their emotions. Sarek’s vulnerable emotional state is spread throughout the ship, causing natural gas company The Enterprise crew became emotional, leading to a scuffle at the Ten Front.

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To help Sarek improve his condition and give him time to complete negotiations with the mysterious Legarans, Picard offers to do a mind skirmish with him. This allows Sarek to repress his emotions by transferring them to Picard, thus giving the Captain of the Enterprise a fascinating insight into the relationship between Sarek and his son. When Picard visits Sarek in his hospital bed in search of information about the missing Spock, Mark Leonard will play the character for the last time in “Unity Part One”.

6 Spock

Spock and Picard look at each other in Star Trek TNG

Jean-Luc develops deep feelings for the Vulcan ambassador’s son due to Picard’s previous interactions with Sarek. Spock became a legend for his role in making peace with the Klingons Star Trek VIWhen Starfleet asks Picard to investigate Spock’s apparent defection to the Romulan Empire, he realizes that the Vulcan ambassador is trying to reunite the Vulcans and the Romulans. As Spock’s controversial plan seems to gain the support of the Romulan government, Picard begins to suspect that the legendary Vulcan ambassador has been lured into a trap.

As it turns out, Picard was right when he revealed that intelligence officer Romulan Serra (Denise Crosby) was using Spock’s diplomatic mission as a plot to launch an invasion of Vulcan. Although the first attempt failed, Spock will continue to pursue this dream forever. the rest of his life, but won’t live to see the reunification happen in interstellar traveldistant future. It’s also interesting to consider whether Picard’s experience with Spock and Sarek is what causes him to resent the Federation’s handling of the devastating Romulan supernova tragedy.

5 Montgomery Scott

Watch Scotty and Picard on Relics' Original Enterprise Bridge

In “Remains,” former Enterprise engineer Montgomery Scott (James Doohan) emerges from the USS Jenolan’s shipping-mode buffer and finds himself in the 24th century. Scotty’s old-school charm has him conflicted. with current Enterprise-D engineer commander Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton). In retrospect, the friction between Geordi and Scotty subtly foreshadowed Captain Liam Shaw (Todd Stashwick) in Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3.

Scotty’s old-fashioned, unorthodox way of working doesn’t match Geordi’s more diligent and compliant approach, just as Shaw disapproves of Picard and Riker’s reckless achievement. In the end, the “Miracle Worker” proved to be still an engineering genius, and Scotty saved Enterprise-D from destruction by following Enterprise-D’s ionic orbit to the Dyson sphere that had swallowed it. boat. Captain Picard introduces the space shuttle and Scotty sets out to make a difference in the 24th century.

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4 Pavel Chekov

Kirk, Scott, and Chekhov on BURN Enterprise

Scotty joined Commander Pavel Chekov (Walter Koenig) and Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) on the ill-fated maiden voyage of the USS Enterprise B before disappearing with the aircraft carrier USS Jenolan. . interstellar travel There were two attempts to reprise Walter Koenig’s role of Chekov, but those plans never came to fruition. Finally, he followed in the footsteps of DeForest Kelly in natural gas company Movie star trek generation With Doohan and Shatner.

It was Chekhov who recognized the son of Demora Sulu (Jacqueline King), the captain of the Enterprise, and Suluguang (George Takei), the captain of Enterprise B Excelsior. Chekov also provides assistance to El-Aurian refugees fleeing Nexus, including natural gas companyGuinan (Whoopi Goldberg) before discovering the horrifying truth about Captain Kirk. After recalibrating the ship’s deflectors to remove the Nexus energy bands, Kirk was blasted off into space, leaving Chekhov and Scotty moody.

3 Captain James Kirk

Star Trek Generation William Shatner Patrick Stewart

star trek generation The history of the franchise was made in partnership with Captain Kirk and Captain Picard. The prospect of Picard meeting Kirk is an extremely attractive choice for both parties interstellar travel Movie lovers and moviegoers in general. While Kirk’s controversial end result and death isn’t everyone’s favorite, seeing Picard and Kirk ride together and discuss life and death, while also working to hit the mark. Torian Solan (Malcolm McDowell), this is really interesting.

Although Patrick Stewart and William Shatner have different actor backgrounds, Picard and Kirk direct differently, generations Show how much you two have in common. Spock has commented on this before in Unity. Picard and Kirk’s dedication to Starfleet has prevented them from forming a family of their own. Working with the two captains of the Enterprise is the perfect match Terms of Service movie and start natural gas companyadventure film.

2 Kang, Koloth and Kor

John Colicos as Kor in Star Trek DS9 and Star Trek TOS

DS9 Bring back Kang (Michael Ansara), Koloth (William Campbell) and Kor (John Collicos), three Terms of Service Klingons in episode 2 “Blood Vow”. Lieutenant Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell), in order to fulfill the blood oath of his predecessor Curzon and the three Klingon warriors, ignores orders to participate in the attack on the brutal Klingon criminal The Albino.this Terms of Service Klingon’s forehead rib natural gas company and the Klingons movie, but as Commander Wolfe (Michael Dorn) says in “Trial and Trouble,” the Klingons “don’t like talking about it“.

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Cole goes further interstellar travel Appears in DS9he first joined Worf and Dax DS9 Season 4 Klingon episode “Kallus’s Sword”. The ancient ruins proved too dangerous, as it was coveted by many power-hungry Klingon factions. Worf, Dax and Kor caused the sword to float in space, to the point that it was thought to be lost forever. Cole was last seen fighting alongside the Federation in the War of Domination, where he made the ultimate sacrifice. Terms of Service era.

1 Sulu and Janice Rand

Tim Russ, Kate Mulgrew and George Takei play Tuvok, Janeway and Sulu in 'Star Trek'

Interstellar Travel: The Travelercontribution interstellar travelGeorge Takei’s 30th anniversary returns as Captain Sulu in a very special episode titled “Flashback”. It centers on a critically ill Commander Tuvok (Tim Russ) engaging in a wits battle with Captain Catherine Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) to find the root of his illness. This brings Janeway back to a pivotal moment in Confederate history when Sulu’s ship, the USS Excelsior, disobeyed Starfleet’s orders to help her friends aboard the USS Enterprise. Michael Ansara also makes a brief appearance in the series as Captain Kang, whose Klingon Prey takes on Excelsior.

Sulu stars Janice Rand, a former Yeoman from Kirk’s Enterprise, who later swaps uniforms with Janeway when flashbacks become dangerously interactive. Star Trek: Original Series times without resorting to spin-offs like time travel. This is proof for the writer Star Trek: The Next Generation display timeThese guests never felt like fan service. Writers always try to bring interstellar travelTraditional characters are preserved in innovative ways and ensure that each character use serves the story, not distracts.

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