10 Hocus Pocus Memes That Perfectly Sum Up The Movies

This article contains spoilers for the newly announced sequel, Hocus Pocus 2.

With the release of the new version trick 2, Disney fans can’t help but love the Sanderson sisters and their mission to stay young forever. It’s a joke going on in the fandom during October to revel in original and new movies.

One way to show love and admiration for the franchise and its characters is through memes. Fans created various memes on social media featuring only characters from deceive More relevant or personal. Other memes involve the characters ending the movie while having a good laugh.

Winifred will never support this

One thing fans should remember before watching trick 2 The respect that Winifred Sanderson demands. As one of the most powerful witches in history, for 1600 years, even now, she shouldn’t pay her price.

exist trick 2, viewers see Winifred buying any beauty products she deems necessary from Walgreens to stay young, and Winifred would be offended if someone made her pay for said product. Likewise, if Winifred has ever ventured to Costco, as this hilarious @CostcoSisters meme suggests, she’ll respond confused if someone asks her for a dollar.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Bette Midler have been best friends for decades

deceive Not the only collaboration between Sarah Jessica Parker (Sarah Sanderson) and Bette Midler (Winifred Sanderson). In 1996 – three years after playing Charming Sisters – the duo starred in First Lady’s Club With Goldie Hawn and Diane Keaton.and deceive 2Fans need these actors to come back and reprise their roles.

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@TargetsDollarSpot joked that Sarah and Bette were only women on September 30, but as of October 1, they were the Sanderson sisters. This meme summarizes the movie, as Sarah and Winifred are just skeletons in the graveyard until Halloween night, when they are summoned by a virgin who lights a black candle.

It’s been almost 30 years, fans

@HillcrestSanDiego created a meme that perfectly sums it up deceive There is more audience than movies. have a lot of deceive Many rumors swirled around the sequel’s release, but when the official release date arrived, fans had everything they’ve been waiting for.

This meme plays Adam Sandler Billy Madison – an adult must go back to school for a degree in order to be taken seriously. Since the 1990s, children have grown up watching deceive Every Halloween at Disney, it’s pretty funny to watch the sequel with the juniors.

one of the best scenes in the sequel

deceive There are some hilarious quotes in there, but the sequel is even more so. When Izzy and Becca tried to stop the Sanderson sisters from sucking their souls, they took them to Walgreens so they could buy bottled beauty products to look younger.

The Sanderson family believes the bottles are prefabricated potions filled with children’s bodies and souls. When approaching the beauty area, they drink lotion and spray everything on their bodies in the hope of staying young forever. The @Kimmie_DiamondAccelerator meme likens Sandersons skepticism to a connoisseur’s skepticism, but it perfectly summarizes the films since Winifred and co. They are judging the beauty aisle before putting themselves in the “medicine”.

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fans have their stage

Every fan has a stage to watch deceive Halloween every year. Since the Sandersons are all completely unique in their own way, fans see themselves in each of the sisters at different stages in their lives.

Whether it’s a shrew like Sarah, a villain like Winifred, or a con man like Mary, the Sanderson sisters are easier to get along with than many people think. @TravelAngelWorldWide The meme summarizes the movie, as it shows every side of Sanderson and what makes them so special.


What makes Winifred Sanderson the strongest sister is her attention to detail and of course her connection to her spell book. Fans didn’t know how Winifred’s relationship with the book developed, but were surprised when they learned of the plot in the sequel.

Like the meme from @Book_Notions, for those who love to read new books, so is Winifred’s excitement about her spellbook. 300 years after her death, no one is more excited to see her long-lost book than Winifred.

Winifred Sanderson: A Charming Witch

one of the biggest revelations trick 2 The trailer shows the Sanderson sisters returning from the dead, ready to wreak havoc on Salem. Just like the original, Winifred is the leader of a pack of wolves, with a mission to kill minors for his sake. With this mission comes a lot of emotions.

@The_Hillbilly_Witch meme about four emotions Winifred associates with both films. Between her goofy sisters and her quest to conquer Salem, Winifred experiences mixed emotions that are humorously recorded.

Winifred’s facial expression says it all

Everyone knew what Winifred was thinking before she opened her mouth, because her expression said it all. She is quick to judge others and doesn’t always let them make her point before casting a spell to silence them.

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This meme sums up the two movies pretty well. Although Winifred doesn’t know about Halloween at first, she loves it in the sequel, as she and her sisters are icons around Salem. Anyone who wanted to dress up as a witch dressed up as Sister Sanderson, whom Winifred loved.

Sarah and Mary are not the most useful witches

As terrifying as the Sandersons, they also have moments of sheer goofiness that bring the fear factor down a notch. In particular, Sarah and Mary Sanderson are the least intimidating, preferring to chase the boys or eat to take care of the larger task ahead.

Without the soul of a child, Sandersons are dust

Bravo fans by combining episodes with deceive The plot of Erika Jayne true housewives of beverly hillsIn the original book, Winifred, Mary and Sarah become young and beautiful after absorbing their souls from Emily Binks.

Without child or adolescent spirits, a witch will eventually age and die. It is unclear when the Sanderson sisters will return for revenge if the virgins do not light the black flame candles on Halloween night. But when they returned to Salem, they caused some anger and some bad words were quoted in their presence.

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