Your daily horoscope: November 20, 2023

Madame Miranda’s posts are written by M. Davis-McAfee and are based on the motivations behind each zodiac sign, as described on, and the position of the celestial bodies mapped by While we appreciate the self-reflection that astrology can inspire, our horoscopes are for entertainment purposes only.

Focusing all your mental and emotional energy on other problems while your own are left collecting dust is not the ambitious endeavor your ego tells you it is, Aries. This only serves as a distraction from the real issues at hand. The stars urge you to focus on what is important.

You won’t be able to eliminate this new reality just because you don’t like it, Taurus. As daunting as this transition may seem at first, you owe it to yourself to stay firmly grounded in reality. You can’t change what’s already happened. But you can change how you react to it.

Trying new things is scary for anyone, even someone as adaptable as you, Gemini. Don’t be too hard on yourself for experiencing a little anxiety as you approach this uncharted territory. Those butterflies in your stomach are a sign that you care, and frankly, that’s a good thing.

Allowing yourself to give in to your vulnerability and let others take care of you can feel scary at first. But the rewards of learning how to do it are well worth the initial trepidation, Cancer. Don’t be too quick to ignore the help of those around you. You deserve to receive it.

No one is ever above assistance or the call to help others, Leo. Likewise, no one is exempt from deserving that assistance. So whether your reluctance to help is rooted in ego or insecurity, the stars urge you to let it go. There is great power in the community.

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Being the one most likely to see the harsh, ugly truth doesn’t make it any easier to witness, right, Virgo? In this case, you must put aside your discomfort and face the issue at hand head-on. This confrontation may not be easy, but it will be a benefit.

Be careful not to underestimate your place in this conflict, Libra. Choosing to give up principles and values ​​to please others is not the honorable endeavor you think it is. Sometimes the social discord caused by holding someone accountable is worth it.

Your external environment directly informs your internal one. As such, it is essential that you maintain a home that enhances your ability to maintain your well-being, not detracts from it. Unnecessary temptations and triggers serve as anchors for your progress, Scorpio.

Pursuing your ambitions is positive. Pushing others down in the process is not. While your feelings of concern may be valid, it is your responsibility to communicate this to those around you who may need to know. Don’t leave those who are important to you in the dark.

Your hypercritical nature can be useful in avoiding manipulation or detours. However, you have an unhealthy inclination to tilt this judgment inward. Not everything in life deserves the harshest criticism: you are a perfect example, Cap.

A new opportunity awaits you to stretch your creative muscles. Will you accept it or allow your fickle nature to get the better of you? A commitment is not always bad, Aquarius. Sometimes practicing diligence and routine allows us to better appreciate when we break free from the norm.

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The stars urge you to go against your first instinct to please people and instead assert yourself. You’re just as deserving of the chance to speak as everyone else, Pisces. He may be surprised at how willing those around him are to listen to him.

Categories: Biography

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