Your daily horoscope: December 17, 2023

Madame Miranda’s posts are written by M. Davis-McAfee and are based on the motivations behind each zodiac sign, as described on, and the position of the celestial bodies mapped by While we appreciate the self-reflection that astrology can inspire, our horoscopes are for entertainment purposes only.

It is impossible to control what happens to us. We can only control how we react and adjust accordingly once life’s inevitabilities occur. The stars urge you to stop exhausting yourself with the first and give your energy to the second. In fact, therein lies the key to true growth.

You won’t be able to delay this transition by sticking your head in the sand, Taurus. Life will continue to move around you. Meanwhile, this hesitation will leave you further behind and make you more unaware of your surroundings than if you had focused on the path ahead.

Conflicts within the family can often be the most difficult to detect and correct. Therefore, it is essential to address any problem before it reaches an unmanageable size. Sure, it would be great if these tensions resolved themselves. But they will only disappoint you if you wait for them to do so.

Your ability to romanticize almost any aspect of your life is certainly admirable. But it’s not realistic, Cancer. You are only setting yourself up for a headache by refusing to see the world as it is presented to you and not as you would like it to be. Get your head out of the clouds.

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Be careful not to let other people’s perceptions of you influence your decision-making process, Leo. Having everyone like you would be nice, but it’s a wasted effort at best. You would be much better off focusing on reaching a place where you are happy with yourself emotionally and mentally.

No one expects you to face this challenge alone, Virgo. In fact, he may be surprised at how willing those around him would be to offer help. You spend much of your time supporting others. It’s time you let your inner circle return the favor.

Treating yourself to things that make you happy is not a frivolous act of hedonism, Libra. On the contrary, it is a critical component of taking care of ourselves. Don’t be too quick to let go of your needs and desires. You deserve opportunities to enjoy the good things in life.

As we grow and evolve, so do the things that bring us joy. Just because you used to enjoy doing something doesn’t mean you’re obligated to continue doing it in the future. Similarly, you can try new experiences even if there was a time when you thought they wouldn’t benefit you.

Your passion is not just a useful tool for action. It also serves as a mirror in which we can reflect on our feelings and values. Consider why this experience provokes such strong emotions. Could it be triggering an old wound in your ego? Acting blindly simply isn’t enough, Sagittarius.

The universe doesn’t usually provide a defined framework for solving our problems, and fortunately, it doesn’t need to. The stars urge you to trust your instincts and your intellect. Use them as a much-needed light as you navigate an otherwise murky path. Believe in yourself, Cap.

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Don’t be quick to underestimate the power of being part of a community, Aquarius. Is your need to be eccentric really worth the alienation and isolation you feel? Fitting in with the crowd isn’t always the death knell for one’s identity that your ego tries to tell you it is.

Like most things in life, learning to move forward with logic versus emotion takes practice. Sitting with negative emotions will always be inherently unpleasant, so you better stop waiting for the day when this changes. You’re just wasting your time, Pisces.

Categories: Biography

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